I’ve been in a lot of pain,in my right side . Been having a mixture of oily diarea and feeling constipated . On constella 290 . And take 1sacket of laxido . Some times 2 . But still in a lot of pain . Phoned doctor and he has given me fybregel . As I’ve had all tests a came back clear . But suffer from diverticulitis and slow track bowel . I take probiotics . But I’m scared to take fibre gel just because I’m in self isolation . Anyone tried this . Sorry about spelling .
Fibregel: I’ve been in a lot of pain,in my right... - IBS Network

Hi can I ask, do you still take laxido even when it’s obvious your stools are soft? I’ve been taking it for about three years, due to constipation and have developed pain in the right side. Some advice sites say it can cause bloating and belly cramps if taken too often, however my GP thinks it won’t. I haven’t been diagnosed with anything with yet, I’m waiting for scan results
Yes but I cut it down to 1 as scared incase I get constipated like I did before . I’ve only got fybergel today so don’t no what to do at the minute as feeling unwell with loose stools . So will try fybergel tomorrow without laxido see if it helps . I get so anxious about taking anything different . But I eat 2 kiwis to help the constipation . So you could try them as they are a natural laxative . But I still want to no if fybergel helps anyone . I hope you feel better soon . Have you ever taken fybergel gel .
I’ve only had the fibre gel orange sachets a couple of times in the past, don’t know if taking on a daily basis would just be the same as laxido. So sorry you having a bad time at present. I’m guessing you are not eating much to pass through anyway. I find the anxiety of it all hardest to deal with, trying to stay positive is so not easy. Wishing you better soon.
Thanks for your help can I ask did you take it after a meal . Doctor says don’t take it last thing at night . So a bit unsure . I was in so much pain that talking to doctor over phone I got a bit confused . And I’m profoundly deaf so it was a bit hard to hear . Any way says one a day not at night . 💕
I have been taking sachets of Fybogel for about 3 months. Alternating the dose, half in the morning then 1 full sachet after evening meal. Dr's advice. He also said you can take them for an unlimited time which was a huge relief. They have really helped with my strange bowel movements from soft stools to constipation. However, for the past week I am getting a pain in my left side very early in the morning disturbing my sleep. Usually goes after eating breakfast and going to the toilet. Does anyone have some advice, is it the Fybogel should I take more or less? One consultant said it would go in time and to try Buscopan but I don't want to take yet another drug. Fygogel has most helped.
I have had several blood tests, ultrasound and CT scans and been discharged thankfully clear of anything from the Colorectal consultant. So back to the GP as I am still undiagnosed.
Sorry I should also say I suffer with anxiety and have lost 1.5 stone since January. A lot of people are saying this may be the reason for the weight loss but quite honestly I'd prefer to be diagnosed and put on a drug. Of course being in touch with a Dr is not easy at the moment.
Take care.
Sorry to hear you’ve got pain . I also suffer from anxiety so I no how you feel . I’m just started fybergel as I go from loose stools to constipation . I to lost lots of weight as I was scared to eat . Ilosts over 2stones as well . But trying to eat now . I taken mine after my evening meal It says drink plenty of water which I do but not so much after my evening meal . So was scared that I’ve bunged up . Been passing formed lumps . Sorry . So how long did it take to work for you this is only my 3day . I get terrible pain in my right side . And sometimes in my left. More in my right . I take buscopan if it gets bad and parcetmol . But because of lockdown it’s hard to see a doctor . But I will keep taking it to see if it does help . How much water do you manage to drink . I try for at least 2litres . I hope you feel better and get some answers ..
Do you take anything for your anxiety as doctor wanted me to take antidepressants but not keen . Sorry for being nosey 😀
Sorry to hear your having a tough time.
I have been on strong drugs for anxiety for 30 years so I know they work for me and have enabled me to have normal life, working etc. Talk to a therapist weekly. My partner went into hospital last Nov and this set the anxiety off and may be the reason for my strange bowels.
I have gained some weight, THANK GOODNESS in the last few weeks and I think that's because all my scans came back clear. Like you I was scared to eat but really have to try. Consultants theory is as you receive good news on results this will improve your mood and then your bowels. Not absolutely convinced but we"ll see. I practically used emotional blackmail with my consultants Secretary to hurry the investigation. When I mentioned my weight loss things moved quickly. I was extremely lucky to have all the procedures but unfortunately still have some symptoms.
I was scared to take Fybogel at first but its advertised as mild laxative and for me its held off any diarrhoea. Better to try something than stay as I was.
I cant remember exactly but the Fybogel started working after a week or so.The advice is to stick with it and adjust the dosage accordingly more if you are constipated and less if you have loose stools. Well this is my experience anyway.
I drink plenty of water. 6-8 glasses a day. I drink more in the morning as I don't want to be up in the night peeing. I use Headspace meditation app recommended by several people. I think it might be free at the moment and really helps me to relaxandsleep. As we know sleep is so important for people with anxiety.
Have you had any side effects from Fybogel. I read the leaflet and it says runny nose, which I have but that could be hay fever. Think I can put up with that vs the good effects!
Got the ache in my left side again this morning. It does go after going to the toilet and having breakfast.Buscopan has been recommended but scared to take something new. What are peoples experiences with hit, any side effects does it work?
Its really helpful reading peoples posts on here. Nobody talks about this area of the body. Good luck with the Fybogel and take care.
Hi if been taking it for a few days it tastes a wee bit gritty I stir it well still tastes gritty . So don’t no if that how it’s suppose to be . I have had some formed bowel movements but now got piles ,no luck . Can’t drink much more water as I drink over 2litres a day maybe 3. Anyway I’ve only to take 1a day as I’m on some other meds . But do you take yours after your evening meal or in the morning . I’ve taken it after my main meal but I drink most of my water during the day . I do take buscopan and I find that sometimes helps . Some people take peppermint capsules . Thanks for your help . I’m lockdown in Scotland . My husband is away working in a hospital and won’t be home till late July . He is maintaining machines . Plus I’m 65 . We ramble there 😀😀
Hello in Scotland! I lived in Aberdeen for 3 years as a child!Beautiful wide open spaces wish I was there now.
I think 2 litres of water is plenty. Think Fybogel packet says 6-8 glasses so you are doing fine. Drinking water through the day also fine.
At first I took a whole packet morning and evening after food but when it all got too loose I reduced it to half sachet in the morning and a whole one in the evening. My GP said adjust the dose as you feel necessary.
That's hard that your husband is away and obviously doing vital work so well done to him. My partner has gone back to work today so will have to get used to being on my own which is not great for my anxiety but just have to keep busy.
I think I will try to contact my GP this week and ask about the pain in my side. Its been two weeks now and don't really want to take any more pills. Take care