Hello All, I’m not on here often but had to take a day off work due to IBS flare - I’ve been getting days when feel constipated then have a night of rumbling tum then next day a lot of pain and diarrhoea! I’m jus so fed up cos don’t really know if what I eat or what is the trigger? Any thoughts?
IBS flare, don’t know why!: Hello All, I’m not... - IBS Network
IBS flare, don’t know why!

Hi fergie53,
So this was happening to me a lot and went to a GI doctor who said Very severe constipation can also cause loose stools. If stools are hard and are not moving, they cause back up of more watery contents behind them. Eventually the watery contents spill around the sides of the hard constipated stool and cause sudden diarrhea. This is another instance when constipation and diarrhea can seem to appear together. She put me on a med called trulance (in the states) and it has done wonders! You can also start out by taking miralax,Metamucil, or adding more fiber to your diet so your body will get regulated again.
Hi, Have you been tested for Celiac intolerance? It can be done by blood tests. Many people have this, and have no idea they have it. Unfortunately many foods have gluten as an ingredient, which can cause a "flare- up"...or it could be something just as simple as a stomach bug, if you don't Have this very often. If you experience lower abdominal pain frequently, cramping, especially after eating, you may look into a lower bowel follow through test, or medication can also help with diarrhea and cramping such as Bentyl or Levsin.
Thanks, I have been tested for coeliac but will ask again, I think I jus have food intolerances but difficult to know - I’m in the U.K so think we have different medications! I can’t get Lomotil (Co-phenytrope) in U.K now which used to help...
Yes, I sometimes get this too..very frustrating. Going to get tested for "dumping syndrome" and "leaky gut" let me know how the tests go..
Food intolerance tests of wider range of foods through Alphega linked pharmacies using allergy service map numbered icon locations in your region. You have to check each numbered pharmacy details to see if they do the allergy testing.
Have you tried a FODMAP elimination diet, then testing the various types of FODMAP to see which ones are your triggers?
I was prescribed a drug called "Welchol" for my chronic diarrhea...Stop it in it's tracks!! It's very expensive, though, so my doctor has now switched me to a drug called "colestipol." I'm hoping it works the same way! Might want to give colestipol a try.
i lost my job due to sever ibs and lymphocytic colitis i missed 60 days of work . i have a hearing for disability in august.
Hi, thanks I will have a look at your video but thing is, I’m rarely really constipated, jus on the odd day and mostly have a loose bowel. The main problem atm is wind, bloating, flatulance and morning dash to the loo!