I’m getting my first COVID vaccine tomorrow and I feel quite anxious about it as I have seen a lot of posts saying that it made them flare up or feel really ill etc and I’m just wondering if anyone has had any positive experiences and felt fine with it to put my mind at ease a bit? Also is paracetamol/ibuprofen okay to take for pain when you have IBS as I don’t usually take pain relief and haven’t since I’ve been diagnosed with IBS so I’m unsure as to whether it would be likely to upset my stomach. Any advice would be appreciated : )
Covid vaccine affecting IBS : I’m getting my... - IBS Network
Covid vaccine affecting IBS

I had it with absolutely no problems and my wife's had her second with the same. No problems at all. She had Astrazeneca and me Pfizer.
I just felt a bit tired after my second one, just a slightly sore arm with my first. Good luck ♥️

Thanks so much! 💗
Hi, I had mine just over a week ago and my IBS was the least of my worries, no problems at all. I did, however suffer mild flu symptoms which paracetamol sorted so all good in the end. Don't worry have the jab.
I had the second Moderna. It had no effect on my IBS, however I had a very slight fever and was tired the next day. On the day after that I felt fine.
I had my first COVID jab just over two weeks ago. I had no reaction at all to the jab. It made no difference to my IBS at all. I have IBS everyday so nothing changed for me. I was very pleased I didn't have any reaction as I was wondering how I would cope because I only just cope on a daily basis anyway with my IBS. I didn't even have any arm ache from the needle!
Regarding pain killers, I take paracetamol when it's really bad but it doesn't do a lot but sometimes takes the edge off a bit. I wouldn't take ibuprofen cause it can upset the lining of your stomach.
I dont think Paracetamol? is available in Canada? R U posting from GB?
I've had it and wasn't too bad. Paracetomal should be fine, ibuprofen can upset your stomach
Sorry but you are giving false info it's not experimental it's been tested and regulated.
I'd say both you and OP were half-right: short-term, it's been tested, but the trials for long-term effectiveness are ongoing (for two years, in Pfizer's case) and so it that respect it's still experimental.
Nonetheless, it's good to see that in most cases IBS hasn't been affected.
The regulators have rolling reviews but doesn't mean it's experimental. Any new drug or vaccine would not know long term effects based on clinical trials until its rolled out to the masses. All drugs and vaccines also have some risk, but they have to balance benefits against risk. The birth control pill is far more likely to cause blood clots than than vaccine but was approved and still being used. Every day medicines bought over the counter also have risks. Read the insert for a packet of ibuprofen and see them
I recognise all drugs have risk.
I also recognise that ibuprofen has a comprehensive insert because it's existed for more than half a year. As such, any user is at liberty to weigh up the benefits verses the damage. Such cannot be said for anything which is new and still featuring in clinical trials, as many side effects remain undetermined. That's the difference.
I had no problems with mine and tbh the benefits outweigh the risks so I wouldn't think twice 👍🏻
Hello, I had Pfizer and was absolutely fine, had no side effects at all. I just had a sore arm which was no worse than when I get my flu jab. If you do need painkillers I would take paracetamol as it’s less likely to upset your stomach. Haven’t heard of the jabs triggering IBS, it’s possibly more likely that IBS flares are a delayed reaction to the anticipation / anxiety of getting a jab.
I was absolutely fine after first jab got second one next week so I'm sure you will be fine you dont feel it..ask your doctor for anti spasm meds for your ibs if it's bad also try to relax as makes ibs worse maybe ask for a short supply of diazapam if you are extra nervous ..good luck honest its nothing to be afraid of ❤
I had the AstraZeneca first jab 10 days ago, during an Ulcerative Colitis flare up. I had aching bones in the night, which made me restless and a sore arm for a couple of days. I’ve now recovered from the flare up. I just wanted to get the jab out of the way, even though I wasn’t well at the time.
You will be fine I have 2 bowel problems and I've had my first it will be okay. Xx
Hi I’ve had IBS for years and prior to having the vaccine have had a few flare ups often stress related triggers but the vaccine did not give me a flare up at all. I just felt cold hands for the first night and tired for a couple of days. I don’t take ibuprofen as have non ulcer dyspepsia as well so paracetamol is best for me. Hope that helps and it goes well
It was anxiety that caused my problems not the vaccine
The risks of not having it far outweigh any potential short term side effects in any case, in my view
Hi,I have had my vaccine & l had flu like symptoms for 3-4 days.
I find that Anadin Paracetamol work well & they do not affect my ibs.
All the best for your vaccination.
If you are in uk ... take time to talk to the vaccine staff at the checking in desks just before you go to the jab booth. They are there to give advice and preempt complications. Its complicated but I do read that a flu like reaction in few days after injection is a really really good thing for immunity. My jab wiped me out for a day....certainly any stomach problems were forgotten during that time. So that's a good thing? ... Next day back to usual stomach whinges. Also same research suggest avoiding paracetamol for the jab reaction because it lowers the body temperature restricting the immune response. I also think ibuprofen adversely affects stomach so I avoid. Everyone is different but trust that the jab effects are normally short term...covid is not.
Hi I had no effects whatsoever and those I know that did have mild effects only had them for about 24 hours. Dont be scared but if you're really anxious speak to your doctor and dont listen to scare stories - good luck
Hi EricaxMai , Go for it , I didn’t feel anything after having the jab ( even said to my wife I’m not sure I’ve had it ) . I know you’ve got underlying medical problems, but I myself would rather have the jab , than suffer from Covid-19. I did have a sore arm the next day, that was from the AstraZeneca vaccine. Paracetamol helps if you do have any side-effects.
Looking at the other replies, you hardly need mine(!) but for what it’s worth, here it is.I had the Astra Zeneca jab about 5 weeks ago, had no ill-effects apart from feeling a bit shivery that night - and if anything my IBS has eased a bit lately.
I actually put that down to trying Turmeric with Piperine, for my arthritis - didn’t do a lot for the arthritis(!) but seems to have calmed my IBS(d) a lot.
As everyone else seems to have said - go get that jab!
Positive experience here, no IBS issues (I had Astrazeneca). If you have this one, you will feel unwell (mostly pains and aches, tired and hot/cold flashes) for about a day or 2.
If the people who had issues when they had the vaccine ate foods not appropriate to their IBS diet then it clearly isn't about the jab.. but who knows🤷♀️
As someone else said maybe go with paracetamol to be safe but personally I haven't got issues with ibuprofen (maybe test this out soon for your own peace of mind and future reference? )
Hi.Two months ago I had my first jab(Pfizer).
I've had no problems whatever, apart from a headache a few days after getting it. I suppose that everyone is different.
No problems with IBS or Diverticulitis.
Best wishes.
Please don’t be anxious. You’ll be okay x
Everybody is different so it depends but most people have not had any issues with IBS and the vaccine.
Regarding painkillers when it gets really bad I take paracetamol even though I know it doesn’t really help for stomach aches but I find that sometimes it does help calm the pain down so it’s somewhat bearable and also I use a hot water bottle too. I avoid any NSAIDs like ibuprofen or naproxen as when taken in excess they can harm the stomach lining and cause ulceration. Also since with IBS we have sensitivity anyway I’d avoid it.
However if you do need to take an ibuprofen a one off won’t do any harm. If you have omeprazole then maybe take one before you take ibuprofen as the omeprazole protects and lines the stomach.
Good luck with the vaccine x
I had the Pfizer. Very tied and weak for two days. But OK. I take paracetamol or paracetamol plus . Doc said it was OK to do so and I am celiac IBS with fibromyalgia. The plus one works well for me.
I had the Pfizer vaccine and it didn't cause any IBS symptoms at all. I did ache all over for a few days but that's all. You will be fine I'm sure.
Hi l had my first jab about 7 weeks ago and apart from a sore arm felt fine. No extra problems with my ibs so don't worry you will be fine. Janet
I take ibuprofen for my headache and have no problems with flare ups. Paracetamol I take in case of fever and also no probs with guts
No problems for me at all. I had Phizer.
Hello there I have flare up ibs I have 1st2ndvaccine it didn't effect change my ibs symptoms be reaured I just had fatique headache lasted few hours later in evening
I had mine 2 weeks ago never felt a thing. Still not feeling any adverse effects.
I take ibuprofen for my pain and it is fine. I won’t take the covid shot as my doctor told me not too with all my allergies. Plus my sister took the shot and got deathly sick. It hasn’t been in the making long enough for my comfort either. But if you have IBS take Mega spore biotics it has really help me out.
Hi EricaxMai please don’t worry about your COVID vaccine I am 73 years old and have had both of my vaccines done and apart from my arm being a little sore for an hour everything was just fine and no discomfort only took a couple of minutes no problems I have had ibs for 10 years and it hasn’t upset my tummy at all having the vaccine so try not to worry hun best of luck I will be thinking about you Chrissy
I had my Astra Zeneca vaccine a month ago. I had abdominal pain and flu like symptoms for 2-3 days. Everything resolved except my gut pain and I can barely eat anything. However, it turns out I was also eating small amounts of a toxic plant (no more foraging for me!). I was terrified of getting the second dose, but reading your responses makes me think that my nasty IBS flare (a month post toxic ingestion and vaccine and barely any better) was actually caused by the plant. I am also prone to headaches so my GP wanted to rule out blood clots because of persistent headaches & abdominal pain and my bloods came out clean.