I know a lot of people say their tummy pain feels better after a bowel movement but does anyone else’s get worse? I dread going to the toilet because I’m in agony sometimes up to hours after I’ve been. Just wondering if anyone else has a similar experience? X
Pain after bm: I know a lot of people say their... - IBS Network
Pain after bm

Hi Amy, I really feel for you. You are so young to be suffering like this. I'm getting on for 63 now and have had IBS since I was late 20's, but 18 is so young to be suffering with this especially if the doctors are not taking you seriously. When I was young, I usually felt better after going to the toilet although I generally felt that I still had more to come but as I have got older I am experiencing what you describe, which in my opinion is worse. I find myself now in the position that I don't know whether to go to the toilet or not. I'm afraid I have no answers but you are not alone and your doctors should listen to you. Could you take someone with you when you next visit the doctor, your mum or a friend, just to give you some support and back-up. I know this is diffucult with COVID but you could try, especially once we get on top of things with the vaccine.
Thank you Maureen, I know what you mean about not wanting to go to the toilet! The pain is getting in the way of so much and with COVID too I’m finding it so hard to get work etc. I’m not allowed anyone with me at the moment which makes procedures and things so much scarier. Thanks for the support xx
Hi Amy I’ve read that with ibs you can have pain before , during and after bm , trouble is you get anxious of the pain next time you go ! So you anticipate pain , I’ve had pain before, during and after and if bowel is having a right tantrum all day !! Hope you get this sorted bloody awful at your age take care xxxx
Me too pansy xxxx
Sensitive souls have sensitive guts xxxx
Exackery how are you darling ? Xxxxxxxxx
My arse is killing me think the colonoscopy caused a tear !!! Xx😒
Oh no your kidding, have you contacted your GP ? You need to get that sorted sweetheart ASAP. Always here angel. How are you apart from the pain ? Xxxxxxxxxx
I did, got some cream too scared to use it as it lowers blood pressure causes headaches I’m on blood pressure medication long term On the dreaded Movicol again feel worse than ever that stuff makes me feel really ill x

Is the cream called rectogesic? My daughter used it for a fissure for a few weeks last year after a gastro bug caused a fissure. It worked wonders for her and didn't give her more than a slight headache. Not sure whether that helps or not! x

I am now 72 and have suffered with IBS since I was 16. Am now on high blood pressure tabs, which don't seem to be working too well and give me side effects. Just wondered what tabs you are taking and if they are any good. I found last year I have got very anxious and it makes the pain worse. Any tips?
Hi wagtail I take ramipril 10mg not sure if they work been on them for few years my blood pressure goes really high when anxious and it does make any pain worse x
Forgot to say I have no side effects from ramipril as for tips for anxiety I have none I’m going to ask doc for prescription for sssri antidepressants hopefully it might help break the circle of anxiety and pain x
Hi lovely, I take buscopan and peppermint oil capsules. They’re normally pretty good except for severe flare ups. As for anxiety I take sertraline which is an antidepressant that’s good for anxiety too. I’ve had many different antidepressants but sertraline is the best one I’ve had without a doubt. I’m always a message away if there’s anything making you anxious that you want to talk about. We don’t want you suffering alone xx

Seems like I can’t get a break at the min thank you. Take care too xx
Yes I find that it doesn't give relief and sometimes seems worse after. The pain Im told is due to bowel contractions so the more of those the more pain caused by and resulting in increase in bowel movements. The Buscopam/Mebeverine type drugs and Colpermin are supposed to help calm the contractions down. And anything else you can think of to help relax and calm down. I haven't been very successful at that today and been suffering too.
Thank you, I take buscopan but doesn’t seem to help much. Just got to soldier on I suppose
Yes I think all we can do is wait for time to pass. Tranquillisers such as Diazepam and Nitrazepam (latter taken at night) help me by keeping me calm ( I tend to panic if pain lasts a long time) and not adding tension to the pain. But you have to be careful with them and Drs are rightly reluctant to prescribe them as they can be addictive and you can get an emotional dependence on them. But I use them only in a bad attack as a last resort, a kind of insurance policy.
Is this because you have a fissure? Do you need something like Anusol cream to heal it?
I’m presuming you are female (apologies if not) but have you looked into endometriosis? Are your BMs worse around time of period? I have rectal endometriosis and my BMs were not good, before during or after 😞 hot baths was the only relief I had until surgery. Also now I have hypertonic pelvic floor, I clench a lot so I’m trying to relax as this makes having a BM very uncomfortable ☹️ Hope you get sorted 🤞 it’s awful having so much pain and worry over something deemed as natural!! xx
Hi Amy. I can relate. I have had IBS all my life, ranging from very bad constipation when young( my mum used to run after me as a toddler with suppositories) to getting the looser end of the spectrum since my 40's. I now find that more often than not I get terrible cramping and spasms after a bm. So many people just don't understand how you can be in much worse pain after emptying your bowels but it's a reality lots of us on here have to face on a daily basis. Plus of course having to deal with the horrors of period poops. Yikes. Please know you are not alone and yes, stress makes it all much worse. I quite often put the kettle on for a hot water bottle when I come out of the toilet...plus ibuprofen. 👍🏻💜
And to you. In fact, to us all....its gonna be a bumpy ride!😁
Hi Amy yes I'm exactly the same as you.And it constantly burns on my right side
It’s not fun is it
No I have had trouble since I was 18.Lots of tests etc different meds.I suffer with ibs-c and slow transit.How about you?😡 ☹
Yes, the pain for me is nearly always worse after a bm . Usually crampy and sometimes lasts for hours. Mebeverine sometimes helps, and heat packs!