Hi I seem to be full of painful wind I feel like I'm about to explode I also feel nauseous. It feels like it's all in my left side under my ribs a sort of fullness feeling not very pleasant.
Excessive wind: Hi I seem to be full of painful... - IBS Network
Excessive wind

Stop drinking alcohol and all fizzy drinks, do not eat peanuts or sweetcorn, also avoid Brussel sprouts and baked beans. Ask you GP or GI team about the formal diet, and try to get referred to a dietician.
what is formal diet
I think that predictive text has changed ‘FODMAP’ into ‘formal’! If you Google FODMAP, you’ll get lots of information.
I found it very helpful!
Have you been to GP?
I have been the same over the Christmas as I haven’t been careful about what I eat/little exercise . Just woken up and my stomach is bloated and v sore inside.
I think Freedman might mean low FODMPS diet?
I experimented with it a little and it made such a difference. I’m seeing dietician next week, I was referred by consultant- will get two sessions on private health care. I believe the plan is to follow the low FODMAP diet for 6-8 weeks to work out what I’m intolerant to.
I’ll let you know how I get on.
I dont drink alcohol or fizzy drinks and I haven't over indulged I have lost my appetite. I find Christmas hard I lost my mum 20 yrs ago in December I'm having panic attacks
I think you said something important here without knowing it-panic attacks and loosing your mum ,yes I do understand even though it was 20 years ago. Could you get referred for some CBT sessions, they helped me. Then you can tackle the wind problem, if it is just wind, you need to see your GP to get a proper diagnosis and if you are female get your GP to check your Gyna bits. Do not give up there is help out there. Good Luck
Senocalm IBS helped mine x
what worked for me and reduced my gas and bloating with ibsd:
fodmap- lead to eliminating most of my trigger foods- onions garlic chillies, wheat etc
probio7 probiotics - i read a study that named the strands of probiotics that helped with gas then went into shop and looked for brands that contained these
glutamine for healing stomach
digestive enzymes ( sometimes pills sometimes the drink with aloe vera)
trying to reduce stress, walk a lot and do stretching and weight training
lots of water
no dairy or gluten
Thank you for the advice I've often thought about taking probiotics but was never really sure which ones to take.