Feels like I've been here before and this is really just a rant (or vent -ha ha) but this is nasty. I can feel the pressure building and I can barely think (just managed to psyche myself up to post this) although I can force myself to get up and go for a walk for sanity. Basically I'm no use to anyone until I can let rip, it's so unbearable. Windeze etc. never helped, moving about sometimes helps a bit, always doing yoga poses etc. but I just have to wait until it shifts and the agony is relieved with 'explosions', usually but not always prompted by a meal. I am being careful with what I eat but I guess I can never remove all possible sources of fermentation. Been taking Vivatlac probiotic for a while. Taking laxatives -senna at the moment, rather not have to use but I learnt that I can't risk getting blocked (even more miserable and it has serious effects on bladder control). Painkillers no use. I'm doing loose-ish BMs, but the wind still stays in like it's caught in a bend, it feels very mechanical. This is happening too often. At a loss what else to do.
Excruciating stuck wind: Feels like I've been... - IBS Network
Excruciating stuck wind

I suffered from this. The pain is unbearable . You might have a bacterial infection. Ask your GP for a course of antibiotics. I had this for years. Antibiotics helped me. It is worth a try. I also had gall stones and needed my gall bladder removed. The stones were found after ultrasound. I am great now.Good luck.
Thanks. I lost my gall bladder years ago -wow, they WERE painful. Antibiotic is an option I considered (and tried before) but it's a nuclear option that can kill the 'good bugs'.
Yes it does get rid of the good, but you can build up the good up again. I had chronic gas for years. Frequently trapped. Exceedingly painful. Tried everything. Hot water bottles ,massaging belly, from right to left. Peppermint, buscopan, you name it. Bowel like a fermentation chamber.Had endoscopy, colonoscopy etc. without pinpointing the problem. Consultant said give a course of antibiotics a go and it did the trick. I was warned it could make things worse, but wow it made things so much better. My gums are now good too, so in my case it was bad bacteria related despite the bacteria not being identified. Unless , you try you will never know. I reached the stage where I would try anything . Good luck.
From what you said, you are trying everything. I sympathise. Trapped wind is extremely painful. I don't think I've ever had it as badly as you describe now, where it didn't shift within x amount of time.
I could suggest just one thing you didn't mention, though it might not work for you. It often does help me if I get it though.
Have you tried a warm bath? Not a shower but a bath, and lie and relax in the water, and do a colon massage (massage from lower right...up...across, and down the left side to the groin. Repeat any amount of times.)
I have a bath in the morning when the pain is worst. I'll look into the massage thanks.
And this is probably a no-brainer which you have already done, but fermentaion might be less if you don't eat cruciferous veggies, Well....maybe not all, test it out, but foods like broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, etc.
I mean....who can eat brussels sprouts with IBS ?? I tried it a couple of times. Fine if I only have two or three. Pretty apocalyptic if I have a "full portion". Sadly I must be the only still alive person who loves brussels, sauteed and caramelised in butter.
My experience at primary school turned me off veggies of all kinds, the smell and texture were gross before you even got to the flavour. I never even touched tomatoes until my 20s (not great as we went to Italy for most family holidays!). So sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower etc. turn my stomach, but I can eat cabbage with carrot in coleslaw (only home-made variety without onion)! But I notice no effect on eating that, although I should reduce a bit.
Oh dear, that must have been a nasty experience at school! I am not surprised it turned you away from eating vegetables. I was lucky I guess and never had any real nasty experiences with them. I would always eat anything anyway. The only things I wasn't keen on were parsnips (because of their flavour) and tinned carrots (because those had been cooked within an inch of their lives and were too soft and mushy!)
Coleslaw is yummy. I wish I could still eat it but the raw stuff is too hard on my gut nowadays, and though I like it, I have to be careful with cabbage now, though I can handle mayonnaise in moderation. I think raw cabbage though could be a culprit for causing a windy belly?
Sorry that you are still going through this.
I had what felt like trapped wind for several days a week ago, so debilitating and miserable , but not as painful as you describe. I didn’t know whether it was the paracetamol I was taking for osteoarthritis, or diverticulosis, or something else. But somebody had recommended almond milk instead of oat milk so I was trying that.. When I went back to oat milk, it eased off a lot.
I'm so sorry you're suffering with this, I've been there and it is so painful. Went to A&E the first time! You're clearly doing a lot, so if you've done what I suggest, I wouldn't be surprised!
I have found that Alka seltzer really helped move things along and relieve the pressure.
I also had to change my diet and go low fodmaps through an elimination diet. I still get the occasional flare up, but much less common.
I've also massaged my stomach area from top to bottom and side to side, to almost push the wind round? Sometimes it would help, sometimes it did nothing, but could be worth a try?
Finally, I would definitely go to the doctor, it could be something more malignant underlying, so it's worth getting checked.
I hope something helps and your pain eases soon! 🤞
I have this every day at the moment - relieved by explosions and very loose BMs. Just been diagnosed with low sodium and wonder if this could be the cause. One symptom apparently cramps and spasms.
I have had trapped wind for years on and off. It makes it difficult to sleep.
2 suggestions
Fybogel one sachet morning and evening
If all else fails try a glycerol suppository. That works in 30ish minutes, so make sure a loo is close by
Thanks. the block seems to be further up so suppository doesn't work. I have some silicone, Mayne some fybogel somewhere. I'll give that a go.
hi. I had a very similar sounding problem - it was awful and so painful. I happened to mention it to my urologist (who I see for bladder issues) and ge said to give up dairy - I told him I only use lactose free products but he said it’s still milk and I might be reacting to other things in the milk (pointing out that no other species drinks the milk of another species and after the age of weaning) so I gave eliminating ALL dairy products and anything with milk in it and all my trapped wind symptoms have gone. Wonderful relief - I can’t believe the difference! I really hope this will work for you too as I know how painful it can be.
Thanks. I'll try some time with absolute zero milk. Really need my morning coffee and I can't take it black so need to have another go with the oat/soya forms.
Have you tried Charcoal tablets? They help absorb wind.
Not had trapped wind badly for a while but IBD consultant always suggested Buscopan and peppermint tea... works for me.
I’ve had very painful trapped wind too & tried loads of different things that didn’t help until I tried Now Gastro Comfort , not only do they help but they are quite affordable too ! I’ve been using them for a few months now , but I’m definitely more comfortable than I was , worth a try if you’re struggling…
I take my as well as the probiotics
Has anyone checked you for a possible hernia?
I'd stop the probiotics if I were you. You may have too many bacteria which may be causing the excess gas
Hi, I suffer with trapped gas pretty often but I also think the probiotics could be your culprit. I once tried a course and they caused me so much pain and cramping after around a week of taking them. When I have severe pain with the trapped wind it’s usually in my left side where the bend is in my colon. I take peppermint tea or even chamomile and also rennies work well for me. Yoga positions help if no one’s in the room 😜
I have just ordered a supplement called RHUBARB COMPLEX byTwentyfirstCENTURYHERBS.
The reviews were fantastic & seemed genuine. I have not opened the packet yet, but will report back once I've tried them.
Have you tried Rennies or Deflatine Rennies. I prefer Rennies but there’s been good reviews on this site for Deflatine Rennies,
Hope the wind problem clears up soon.
Take care.
Thanks, yes I tried deflatine previously, no noticeable effect. I have rennie for tummy (not gut) I will try. Feels like I’ve twisted something!
So sorry that your excess wind has not cleared yet. When my stomach is bloated, I also take sips of boiled water, cooled down plus use a hot water bottle on my stomach. Peppermint tea (I use teabags) can also soothe the stomach.
Really hope that your pain stops soon.
If not, perhaps ask a pharmacist, as you can contact them by phone to speak to someone. Or alternatively, your doctor.
Take care.