I am also having trouble like lots of you with Bloating to the point of being very uncomfortable,it gets you down and i wish i could find something that will help me release the wind i have tried all the usual things like Windeeze and settlers/andrews lots of others too.Has anyone found a good remedy.?
Wind/Bloating Trouble: I am also having trouble... - IBS Network
Wind/Bloating Trouble

Hi Audy as I said in my previous post I have found relief with cinnamon one half of a stick in hot water usually brings a little respite from the pain, hope this helps. Calli x
I get troublesome wind usually when i get up or in the evening after food. I find in the mornings it will ease after going to the loo. But in the evening i have to do yoga like exercises to deflate!
Have you found out the trigger - what causes the bloating? For me it is barley and mushrooms. Try keeping a food diary to see what causes your bloating and eliminate those foods.
Agree with you - found mine were a lot more than barley - barley malt - in vinegar mayonnaise malt foods biscuits - they included rice wheat rye eggs and dairy -
no more gorging on doughnuts and cream cakes for me! Ha!
I’d certainly agree with finding your ‘devil foods’ - the FODMAP lists might help, but onions, garlic, beans and cauliflower would be likely candidates. In the meantime, have you tried charcoal tablets to absorb the gases associated with bloating? They work quite well for me, and I take them now when I know I’m going to eat ‘bloaters’ (sprouts being topical at this time of year...)
Hope that helps.
Thanks i will try the charcoal if i can find it at a supermarket as i do not go out very far.
Yes agree with you - not sure of fodmap diet as many people have multi grain allergies and may not have a gluten intolerance. You could remove the foods the diet recommends but miss others as they are not listed. jessicamaddenmd.com. I found a multi test of 64 foods helpful and found everything I was eating was contributing to the bloating. It was independent and was new in the UK in January this year.
Hi there,
As well as looking at foods, I would suggest looking for any other triggers you may have: sickofibs.com/ibs-triggers/...
Hi there I started using Heathers tummy fibre and has made a huge difference. I take 1 tablespoon at night and seems to have sorted my IBS out. Such a relief as I was having d and c very bad on and off. You have to build up to the amount that suits you. Hope it helps you too. I can even eat foods I would never eat before.
What is Heathers Tummy Fibre and is it anything like Fibre Gel and where can i get it and how much will it cost thanks.?
Audy, I suggest activity, such as gym or just walking it off. This occurs daily with me and is always very uncomfortable and often painful. It takes about 15 minutes of activity and then it begins to ease off. I wish you well.
I assume, as a non-medic, that digestion involves lots of blood flowing to the digestive tract to transport food from the gut. Therefore the bloated feeling is about blood as well as gas. We know that activity increases general blood flow and also gets the digestive tract moving around to help release the gas within it. It's about moving gas inside the intestines and blood around the gut wall.
Activity is the only thing that really works for me, though occasionally taking Gaviscon, Andrews, Tums or Settlers and drinking water also can help in a limited way. Joe...
You might find sipping hot water and eating nothing for a few hours will help.
A hot bath may help your abdominal muscles relax and leaning forward in the bath might release the wind. Kneeling and bending, might also help. Milk of magnesia or a rennies
with magnesium and calcium carbonate may help too. You go to your pharmacy for thee over the counter remedies. Hope you find the problem - as it might be some food setting you off!