Hello ๐
I will try to keep it short but basically can you have IBS without bowel issues?
I was thought to have endometriosis, I will list my symptoms down below if you want to read them. I had a laproscopy 4 weeks ago and all that was found was a distended large intestine so I've been told I have IBS.
I do not suffer with diarrhoea or constipation, literally ever. I can't remember the last time I had a problem.
Prior to my laproscopy I was trialed on mebervine and buscopan, neither of them helped. I've had two abdo ultrasounds which were normal.
I have just had my calprotectin results back and they were normal as I expected.
The only pain relief that helps me is mefanamic acid.
23 y/o female, good health otherwise. Lower abdominal pain, always a cramping feeling but get shooting pains alongside it which go down my thigh. Plenty of gynae symptoms alongside all this (periods and painful sex etc). Constantly tired, have periods of feeling sick so have to take antisickness tablets to help shift it when needed. On destrogel birth control, Amitriptyline for a back issue (they hoped the dose to 50mg to see if it helps my abdo pain, it doesn't, and mebervine. Currently signed off work due to pain levels but will have to return shortly as nothings changing.
Dr won't let me take cocodamol now they're suspecting bowel issues.
I'd be really grateful for any advice any of you have. In my head I don't understand how I can have IBS without bowel issues.
Thank you ๐