In case anyone doesn't know, I was diagnosed with IBS-D in 2020. So generally my main problem is looser than they should be bowel movements on average, with other symptoms IBS connected.
Occasionally I might have a couple of days constipated but things seem to balance out after that.
Sometimes I have periods and can even be weeks, of normality.
But what I'm curious about and baffled by is why, if I have ever gone a whole night without sleep at all, (that means about 36 hours fully awake) then the morning after that night without sleep I will have a bm at a similar time as usual, but it is completely healthy and normal. I feel awful, sleep deprived, like a bag of grunge, but my IBS disappears!! No distension, no weird feelings a few hours after dinner, no pains or wind problems.
I also have a much better appetite and can eat 3 meals that day. My appetite is pretty good normally for dinner at 6pm, but I couldn't normally eat 3 meals.
It makes little sense when we are told bad sleep makes us feel worse and can cause a flare up.
But....if I have an awful broken sleep, or even slightly oversleep and wake up very well rested, I will get worse symptoms.
I wonder if anyone else has correlations between sleep and IBS symptoms. I'd be interested to hear what.