I've has ibs-a since I was 14 and as I've gotten older my symptoms have changed drastically and worsened considerably.
I'm getting a lot of internal rectal pain and swelling which I thought was piles so tried otc creams but they don't do anything to help. On my last visit to my gp he prescribed scheriproct but that has also failed to do anything.(had scheriproct before and it did work). Passing stools are excruciatingly painful and I've passed a small amount of blood but very rarely, my stools aren't hard but very soft and difficult to pass which doesn't help. I open my bowels on average 5 times a week, upto 8 times a day which is now very normal for me. After food I get alot of reflux which I take omeprazole for but only when I really need it as I have had stomach polyps which were most likely caused by taking ppi's for years. I only get pain sometimes and a hot water bottle usually sorts it out for mr. So jot worried there.
I have wondered for quite some time now whether it's ibs or if , like many have been told this by my gp because they really can't be bothered. I have had a few sygmoidoscopies which only found diverticular disease when I was 29 and my last stool test showed inflated calprotectin levels. My rectal pain and swelling is not a normal ibs symptom and have wondered if its proctitis but I don't get many bouts of wattery diarreah which can be a symptom.
Any advice would be helpful or if you have something similar and have found a solution I would love to hear what it was and home you dealt with it.