I have had issues recently with lower tummy pain 'widespread' and comes and goes with build up of gas and feeling at times of not being able to empty my bowels properly or suddenly having to go to the toilet with great urgency. Along with this I seem to have bladder complaints with feeling like on occasion I can't get a good wee out and that I am having to wee more regularly than normal (naturally I thought this was a UTI) Alongside this I have been experiencing intermittent lower back pain.. now I do have a desk job so I do spend periods of the day sitting but other than that I'm running around after my children and keeping fairly active - I'm a 30yr old female.
I have had full blood screenings including CA125 test, tests for coeliac, general FBC etc. these have all come back normal. I have also had a normal urine sample test and a normal stool sample test. My stools look completely normal with no blood/mucus etc. I have normal periods however I do have HPV (Last smear done in March which showed HPV but clear cancer tests)
My Dr has said she suspects IBS but has now referred me for an Abdo, pelvic and bladder scan - I'm petrified to say the least. I have a hugely anxious disposition and suffer from health anxiety and always thinking the worst. Is there anyone with IBS who can identify with my symptoms at all?