After several weeks of diarrhoea, my dr sent me for a colonoscopy as she dont want to treat me until i get my results, the colonoscopy took 8 biopsies from me and i have been waiting now for 11 days and no sign of the results the pain and discomfort is awful i only can take my buscopan till i get results, hate the waiting, will i get the results come any quicker if they find something
Colonoscopy : After several weeks of diarrhoea... - IBS Network

I would contact your gp. I had a colonoscopy on 22nd june and as you nothing was found but 8 biopsies taken. I have yet to recieve the result however, i have online access to my records and the result (normal) was entered on to there on 2nd july.
Hi, yes, do get back in touch with your GP. As awful as all of this is, do try and find a method of relaxation that you can practice every day. I pray and lay it all out there and that makes a massive difference to me, but it's' so important to find a way that suits you to calm your heart and mind as that affects the whole digestive system. A friend of mine has recommened Mickel Therapy. I know nothing about it but my friend is a long time sufferer of IBS and other severe auto immune diseases and if she recommended it then I'm happy with that. I think you can get a free half hour consultation with someone called Saul Levitt on She also lent me a book called Autoimmune Fix by Tom O'Bryan, which I haven't yet read but intend to. I wish you lots of luck with your journey to recovery.
My results took 4 weeks to come back. Mine showed diverticulitis but only mild. I really don’t think you’ll get them back any quicker depending on the results but I don’t know. Good luck.

Thank you for your reply

Dr ringing me friday, dont know if its to do with blood results or the results from my colonoscopy, ive not had the letter yet tho, unless the dr gets it first i dont know, will update you
Dr rang me, it wasn't about the colonoscopy results, it was about my low iron levels, im at my wits end wondering what the colonoscopy results are its now 3 weeks since i had the procedure cant be that long now, can it?
I know it was a while ago but how did things go for you? Thanks