Hi I had a colonoscopy last week following diverticulitis in October. I see my consultant end of March. My results say I have a fixed loop of sigmoid colon, due to clonic diverticulosis. Anyone know what this means please? The good news is they found nothing suspicious. Thanks for any help.
Colonoscopy : Hi I had a colonoscopy last week... - IBS Network

Hi! Your diagnosis is the same as mine. I’ve lived with diverticulosis for 5 years and I’ll start by saying that it’s taken me a long time to figure out what diet & lifestyle choices work for me. Diverticulosis is where a portion of the bowel changes from being a smooth tube to developing small pockets and irregular in shape. Mine is like yours- Sigmoid Colon or the last piece of the bowel before it exits the body.
I was very lucky to have a GP who suggested I did my own research and work out through trial and error what worked for me. There is no single method that works for everyone, each person’s experience is different! Google really is your friend with forums just like this one. There are hundreds of research papers available on many sites.
My ‘type’ of diverticulosis makes things happen very fast in my guts, other people have slow guts. The most important thing to remember though is that the brain and the gut are directly linked! I can’t emphasise this enough! If your stress levels are going bonkers your guts will too; if you’re calm your guts will be the same.
Good luck on your journey, learn from all the great people on this and other forums because we’re all the same!
Hi Coachmanbythesea
Thank you for your detailed reply. I haven’t figured out what works for me yet. There are certain foods I can no longer tolerate, which I now avoid. I will do some more research thank you.
I have had 2 episodes of diverticulitis since 2019, each time ending in a weeks hospital stay. It is more the fixed loop of colon I’m trying to understand.
As yet I haven’t experienced the ‘itis’ part but I’m sure I’ve got that coming at some point! Be careful not to overthink the whole IBS thing; it’s a term used to describe any and all disorders affecting the gut when a definite diagnosis is not present. I’m sure I’ve just opened a huge can of worms but don’t overwhelm yourself with loads of stuff! I guess the most important bit is to listen to your own body and don’t delay in asking for help.
Hi i had diverticulitis back 2017/18 i had no idea what was going on it started with bloating . My abdomen blew up like a balloon then i was having difficulty going to the loo just overflow and pellets then my entire colon became inflamed and severe pain in the sigmoid each time i ate my gp referred me for a colonoscopy i opted for a CT version however by the time i had the procedure it calmed down and had stopped without any medical intervention . The scans showed exstensive diverticular disease esp in sigmoid however even after and to this day im still full of gas that seems to hang around
Ive made huge amounts of diet changes limiting certain foods or eliminating them .
It can take years to get right i suppose getting the fibre balance helps both types of fibre are important and limit fermented foods that cause gas
We all know not everyone is the same as our microbiome is inique to ourselves
Hi Minty
Thanks for your response. I went to A&E both times with my diverticulitis. This last time I had a CT scan with contrast. It’s showed my sigmoid colon was very enlarged. I was fasted and given intravenous antibiotics. They were unsure if it was colitis or diverticulitis again. I still have bloating, some days worse than others . I agree that not everyone is the same.
Yes the bloating is a real problem and is present most of the time ive tried so many different approaches to it , even years later when ive had ultrasound scans for other things the assistants have said iam full of bowel gas it just does not seem to disappear
My consultant prescribed Pancreatin, to help with the bloating, but it didn’t seem to do much. I’m now trying a probiotic. Only been taking it for a short time. I find camomile tea helps a little.
I think they meant chronic rather than clonic, which I don't think would fit in this context.