Hi all..I have had IBS over 20 years...sometimes I get mucus and its clear with brown in it assuming its bits of stool...a couple of times over the years iv had tan/orangy brown sticky mucus usually when stools are harder...I have internal piles...iv never seen blood...just wondered if anyone else has mucus this colour? Thanks
Tan/orangey brown mucus: Hi all..I have had IBS... - IBS Network
Tan/orangey brown mucus

Hello! I also have internal piles, I also have IBS. So sometimes my stools are normal and sometimes small bits with mucus whitish and sometimes tinged with reddish. I use a script internal cream and soak at times in baths which helps. I also drink a lot of water and eat a handful of dried apricots each day, that helps me go more regular. I do get nervous at times when I see any bit of red, but I know it’s from the piles. It sounds like yours may be same. Have you had a colonoscopy? I know my GP wants to do one on me, haven’t gotten around to it, makes me nervous! Hope you feel better soon
Hi thanks for your reply...its not red its like orangy brown weird :/ yep they have said colonoscopy as my dad has just passed away from bowel cancer...so I'm now paranoid and looking at everything! And I'm pretty sure iv always had it..I drive myself crazy! I'm nervous of the prep because its acidic and that triggers my migraine :/ x
Hi.. can I ask how was your internal piles diagnosed? I'm sure I have them.as bright red blood on bowel movements . Docs did rectal examination but didnt detect any.. thanks
Hi Nina, she looked inside with a short little camera in office, she could see them. She couldn’t feel them at first so she did the little camera. She did say that some have them higher up which needs a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy? What did they suggest?
They haven't suggested anything as havent gone back to docs due to virus. I'm trying to increase fibre and take baths to see if symptoms ease.. if not then il have to ring docs no matter what
Did they use a little camera to look inside? How did they check you? Yes sounds like you def have them. I take fiber in my coffee ea/morning 1/2 tsp. And I drink a lot of water now, which helps a lot. Do you have constipation?
No.. they used finger.. I don't have constipation as such in regards to straining or very dry stools but my stools are round and harder than normal which on the stool chart indicates more fiber.. I just dont get why now in my life I need more fibre. My diet has been the same .
They can’t feel Internal piles with a finger, the can feel if there is a anal fissure. So I’m surprised they did not do the camera? I had a very hard stool once and from then (2years ago) I have lived with them off/on. So I take fiber among other things.