Hi. I posted about a year ago with this problem and had some help on here from members. Im 50 now and still suffer from it but not as bad. This all started a year half ago i suffered from bad gas all my life but woke up one day to fine it came with mucus and watery diarrhea very little. Spoonful.
I had FIT tests done. Bloods done. Abdominal ultrasound done. All clear. Rifaximin antibiotics. Various othet things for malabsorption. All to no avail.
It would happen every week or 2 weeks. Feel like i need to pass gas and then realise i was wet with clear mucus. No blood.
The dr said he did not know what it was. I paid to see a pvt gastro doc. He also said he thought it was inflammation of some kind but did not think it was serious. I changed my diet cut out gluten dairy wheat and yes my gas has got so much better. I take loperamide everyday..1 a day and its bulked me up in a good way. But i still get this mucus every now and again it will hit me later st night and follow through till i empty my bowels next morning then ok again
The nhs here refused me a colonoscopy because i had no blood or weight loss. Yes im a bit better but its still there and if anyone on here could tell me if they suffer from this condition i would be very grateful. Sometimes it is jelly that comes out sometimes its just slime a tea spoon size but this would happen every 15 mins or so till mext morning. I got so fed up with life i took bad depression because no one would help me. Thankfully im over that now.
Look forward to some of your replies.