IBS symptom: Hi, I've got a symptom which I've... - IBS Network

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IBS symptom

Mikegen2 profile image
25 Replies

Hi, I've got a symptom which I've often tried to explain to people and doctors but they never seem to understand what I mean. I'm hoping fellow suffers might understand. So basically it's feels like I need a stool movement, really badly. The feeling is in my bowels. I get what feels like a build up, almost like if you needed to break wind except slightly higher up. This builds and builds until its quite painful and feels like i could have an accident if I don't clench! But then it releases with a horrible loud gurgling sound. This cycle repeats pretty much all day. If I go to the toilet and try for a movement there is nothing, like IBS-C, then later in the evening when I finally go it's like IBS-D! I've tried all the pills such as buscopan, cupramil etc but nothing stops this feeling. Does anyone else get this? It's painful and incredibly embarrassing in an open plan office or meeting!

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Mikegen2 profile image
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25 Replies


Please know you’re not alone in this - I also suffer with this all the time. I end up using enemas because I think I need when I really don’t. It’s extremely frustrating.

Lulububs profile image


Have u tried eliminating things and reintroducing to ur diet?

I noticed over years of suffering like u the pain and embarrassing problems i got worse with to much bread and started to notice if i stopped red meat it helped then slowly i gave up gluten and now i have no problems.

Been totally free for 2 years then last night i made mistake of having a burger from a well known takeaway and within hour there i was in pain again. Wind , bloating feeling sick, then the wanting to go to toilet and can’t now i spent all morning on toilet and cant stop !

So theres the proof!! No more red meat or bread again

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to Lulububs

Yes I've tried keeping a food diary, I've also had blood tests done by the docs. The only thing I've found that I know makes me worse is coffee. I stopped drinking a few years ago and packed in smoking. Now I can't have coffee either. Life's great. There must be something else that sets me off too though but I've not been able to work out what it is.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Mikegen2

Yeh coffee is a laxative and a stimulant thats why.

I cant have it either although i have ibs c most of time but then if i put something in my belly it dont like it just holds onto it for a while then it will just explode... it awful and the pain wow is crippling.

Yeh just always think back to what u ate day before it generally is something u ate with in 24 hrs .

Ie my little trip to mac d last night i dont know why ??? I just thought hmmm one wont hurt HOW WRONG WAS I.... within hour i was getting stabbing pains,by 3 the pain was constant by 7 i woke up and then have been on toilet ever since!

Tried to eat some gluten free ginger biscuit( ginger good for gut) and then spent next hour on toilet again. So today my body has decided i put something nasty in it so it will make me sick all day to teach me a lesson and believe me it has.. no more burgers for me

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to Lulububs

Thanks for your replies. It's so frustrating isn't it!? I'll try and keep track, but as I say I've tried keeping food diaries before and I can have something that appears to cause issue then next time it's fine or vice versa. I've almost resigned myself to the fact that I'm just going to have to live with good and bad days.

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Mikegen2

I had got it down to one bad day every 6 month or so but like u said ive give up everything i live on a very limited diet and now i noticed other little things creeping in.

As in if i eat to late.

Or now it alcohol to.

So i can drink some alcohol usually gin or vodka one month and next cant?

Not that i drink that often it literally is once a month il have a few.

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to Lulububs

I think u are right Lulu, I get this and find IBS much improved when I don’t eat bread and I suffer if I eat a big roast, interestingly I can eat a mild curry!

Have you tried Colpermin? I only started using this in desperation about 18 months ago, and it helps with my wind, cramp etc and seems to help bowels too.

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to

Yeah, that was what I meant by cupramil. I couldn't remember the exact name 😉 but yeah I've tried all those wind ease type medications but none worked unfortunately.

Are you wearing tight trousers, or a tight belt? This caused me problems and I switched to braces. Also, is your sitting position OK? Have tried different food at breakfast, I found toast and some porridge bad.

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to

I've not found trousers to be a problem unless I have the symptoms and then even lose clothing can feel tight. I usually know when I wake up how I'm going to feel for the rest of the day so if I know I'm going to be suffering I don't eat breakfast, but then I'm never really sure if that is a bad thing to do or not in terms of digestion etc. But normally I just can't face it. When it's at its worse I just sometimes think it would be nice to have a release valve installed that I could just turn to reduce the swelling feeling lol

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Mikegen2

Not eating in morning i used to do alot but i found i got full of air!! Where ur putting nothing into stomach and the hunger pains can feel like ibs pain so try a dry ginger biscuits or two that helps. Gluten free if poss as i dont think gluten easy to digest

Baffling! Are you sure you dont have a stomach ulcer, I worked with a chap that had one and he had terrble problems that flared up from time to time.? Bloating and stomach pains etc.

Mikegen2 profile image

Not according to the doctors, I've had cameras and tests and nothing came back positive for anything according to them. I saw about 5 different docs and was put on everything from fibrogel to anti depressants. I never get stomach pains, it's only in my bowels. So I can only assume its IBS.


This sounds like trapped wind to me and it usually gets trapped because your bowels are not completely empty - even though you may think they are.

Do a web search for 'incomplete evacuation' and you'll see what I mean, there's a lot of info about it out there.

Mikegen2 profile image
Mikegen2 in reply to

Thanks, I've often wondered about this. I know it's not an issue with the colon (sorry for tmi) as we have a biobidet toilet so everything gets flushed out! I'll look into that though, thanks.

If you do not have a medical condition then it is probably a food intolerance or allergy. Do you have an intolerance to wheat, lactose or gluten? I know you have had blood tests on the NHS, but have you considered a York test?

I considered it many years ears ago, but i just couldn’t afford it at that time.


It will give you a quick test for about £25, but that won’t tell you much. You probably would need the full test, which is fairly expensive, but as you are desperate, you may think it is worth it.

Kat2380 profile image

No one has mentioned this possibility yet which surprises me but I would recommend getting an abdominal X-ray done to check for a fecal impaction. This causes a blockage in the intestines, this could be why you get so much pain

Guttrouble777 profile image

I would recommend trying fasting from food for as many days as you can handle. Drink whatever tea you typically enjoy and add organic honey, lemon and ginger as often as you'd like throughout the day to keep from getting "hunger headaches". I did it for seven (7) full days and it "reset" my intestinal system. I have felt sooo much much better. I plan to repeat this to continue to heal. Thus far the difference is incredible. Try the best you can.

BabsyWabsy profile image

I had similar symptoms one day last week and it turned out that I had been served gluten free toast in a cafe, but the bread was actually made from so called gluten free wheat starch. My issue is any wheat product, not gluten as such. It has taken me a while to work this out. Too much sugar gives me gut problems too. Everyone seems to have a different trigger and it is not always obvious. If you work in an office, try to be open about your issues. Don't be embarrassed, chances are you are not the only one, and by being open about it, you remove the stress of trying to hide it all the time. It worked for me, and turned out there were three of us in an office of only a dozen or so people who had various gut problems.

weegmack profile image

Hi there. You’re not alone! You’ll see from all the replies, that a lot of people get these symptoms, but for different reasons. So I’ll tell you my experience! I used to be in a daily cycle of this horrible build-up of excruciating pain, but couldn’t poop. Usually once I’d had my dinner in th evening, the pains would start again and sometimes I couldn’t even walk to the toilet. And then I would have pretty awful diarrhoea 😬.

I cut out wheat entirely from my diet and noticed a difference within only a week. My symptoms settled down. But I would still, maybe once a week, have these awful flare-ups. My GP pretty much insisted it was constipation and I was very skeptical! I eventually saw a gastro at my local hospital and he explained to me that constipation in IBS can actually cause diarrhoea! It’s called overflow diarrhoea. The gut is constantly working and it moves food along kinda like a caterpillar moves, if that makes sense! As the gut is a huge muscle, it has to work to push food along and if you’re really constipated, the gut has to work ever harder to push that mass of poop along. The consultant described it like a fist punching a wall... the harder the gut has to work, the more it will spasm and this causes the pain. Then all that poop gets mashed up by your gut’s hard work...and will start to come out as diarrhoea. Yuk, right?

Cutting wheat out, watching my saturated fat and taking Laxido once a day has allowed me to leave the IBS-D behind (though it flares up in times of stress or if I forget to take my Laxido). Xx

Lantyrn profile image

Guttrouble777 has the right idea, though I would skip the honey.

Need to know what you're eating. Go back to basics.

Take a magnesium glycinate supplement, one without added rubbish (Doctor's Best). Take one in the morning and evening with water.

Have the same food 3 times a day for at least 1 week.

That food is Nappa cabbage (aka Chinese Leaf); this is your bread.

Spread Kerrygold butter liberally on each "slice". Fat is actually more important than fibre for regular movement.

Add whatever meat you like. Use salt (rock, sea) and herbs, if you like, plus paprika, turmeric.

Roll up the cabbage and enjoy.

Adding hot meat will (obviously) melt the better which, I think, is heaven.

Consider getting a squatty potty or get up onto your toes when you go. The idea is to be in a squat position when you go, as this was and still should be, our natural position (when we used to go in the woods) for effortless elimination.

The time it takes to have a number 2 should be the same as number 1 (less than 1 minute).

Report back or PM me. :)

Mikegen2 profile image

Thank you for everyone's replies, there are certainly a lot of ideas, techniques and tests on these posts that I'd not tried before so I'll certainly work my way through them. Cheers.

Maureen1958 profile image

Don't forget to let us know how you get on.

Rustyrose profile image

Hi I'm a fellow sufferer i tried all the medications then in desperation i took Senocalm (you can by buy from chemist) although not a cure help me alot ,just thinking ,might be worth try,as i say was desperate for anything when i got them .

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