Hello, I'm a little new to this. I'm wondering if anyone has had symptoms like mine? I went to the doctor last year for bleeding, sometimes it was a small amount and sometimes a lot! Ended up having a colonoscopy where they saw nothing wrong and said if the biopsies don't show anything I'd have to have further tests. The biopsies showed nothing, but they signed me off and didn't do any more tests and just said it's probably IBS. But I've read that bleeding isn't a direct symptom of IBS? They looked for fissures and haemorrhoids and said I don't have any.
I've also had bloating, stomach pains, constipation and diarrhoea. I tried a food diary but nothing seems an obvious trigger but for the last month or so my symptoms have almost disappeared for seemingly no reason.
I can't help but wonder whether this is IBS or if there's something else going on? I've got Crohn's in my family and another family member has also had symptoms just like mine and been given no diagnosis at all. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you.