Symptom Changes: Hi All, I was wondering how... - IBS Network

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Symptom Changes

Will1234 profile image
19 Replies

Hi All,

I was wondering how many Ibs sufferers notice changes in their symptoms and how they feel about them. Has anyone felt similar to the following,

Recently I have noticed an increase in what is called post pandrial D. That is D type symptoms after a meal. I used to get IBS first thing in morning but that may have been more stress related before going out to places or appointments. I have been indoors a lot recently, following an eye operation and have noticed IBS now mainly seems to occur after evening meal . Can be straight away ,or an hour , or a few hours later. Wind / gas pains then seems like everything out in one urgent loo visit , then sometimes ok, or maybe a bit nauseous after.

Sometimes it feels like there is a sort of gas grumbling in guts feeling and a bit like a Poo is kind of needed all day but only wind happens. Then after a main evening meal system suddenly decides it needs to get rid of everything. Like you ate something and system did not like it and got rid of it. All a bit tiring really. This does not happen every day or after every meal but just more often recently.

Just wondering if anyone else has similar feelings and symptoms . I know immodium relieves the problem but not keen on taking it unless going somewhere , travelling or such like.

Just interested to hear . I have suffered IBS for 50 years so I have tried just about everything . Some things work , or seem to, for a while but nothing seems to last or cure.



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Will1234 profile image
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19 Replies
SnooW profile image

Could have written that myself. It's the closest description I have ever read of how it is for me. Had a bad spate of it a few years ago, doc prescribed Mebeverine tablets - supposed to stop the dash to the loo after meals. Seemed to help for a while but now not really helping a lot of the time. Mostly have to dash after midday meal which is awkward when I have to walk the dog at half one....never know if I can trust my tum or not. Don't get as much wind, as before though, and no pain to speak of, but awful rumbles and gurgles at times, and can feel it all moving through - and once, recently, no warning whatsoever that I needed to go, which does worry me. Can't work out if the d++ is caused by my meds for other conditions, or the xylitol in my dry mouth sprays and pastilles, or just me. Thinking of going for a chat with the doc as beginning to worry that sometimes there is little or no notice of these episodes. It happened this very evening, about half an hour after tea. I have no social life because of my IBS, and I'm sure my hubby is sick of me going on about it. Am trying to change diet to add more fibre (which I think will make things worse but gotta try it before I bin that idea) and eat more gluten free. Having said that I do wonder whether dairy is my worst enemy! Following your post to see what others say.... I hope you get some answers.....

Will1234 profile image
Will1234 in reply toSnooW

Hi Snow,

Thanks for your reply . It might be interesting to see what others say if there are more replies. Tonight I ate and had no symptoms, despite some alcoholic drinks as well. Everything in gut felt calm and good. Very strange because another night I can be careful about eating and drinking and all sorts of tummy upset occurs till cleared out.

I could almost swear that some ingredient was the cause but no idea what it is.

Maybe hear from others !


Kampala profile image
Kampala in reply toWill1234

Hi Will,

I have exactly the same or similar symptoms,and mainly after the evening meal.

After I have eaten,within 5 minutes or up to around 30 minutes,I will get gurgling sounds,followed by a severe cramps below the area under the belly button......this creates urgency to empty the bowels,and the stools are mostly like "porridge ",sorry to be graphic.

I can never know which day it will happen,hence for this reason I am forever giving excuses to not go out for social occasions and dine out.

As for taking a holiday,totally impossible.

I just can't understand in this day and age there is no answer for IBS.

Anyway just sharing,and wish the best to all who suffer IBS,hopefully some cure may be found

SnooW profile image
SnooW in reply toKampala

It's a miserable condition, isn't it? My social life is gone and I never risk going on holiday either. I hate using public loos and having to be tied to knowing where there is one, just in case. I just find this whole bowel business so embarrassing and like you wish for all sufferers that a cure could be found. The only small comfort is that there seem to be a lot of people who do suffer with this whereas once upon a time I thought I was alone in it.

Sosampop profile image
Sosampop in reply toSnooW

Mine is exactly the same.

Winnie78 profile image

I am exactly the same and think it correlates to what I eat! I stopped having cereal on a morning and switched to soya/almond milk in my tea and I have been a lot better but still happens. I could never have a cup of tea before without needing loo. I also have a bile salt malabsorption issue apparently although this is mild. And awaiting results of a colonoscopy although there were no visable issues when I went. A friend of mine went to mind for some mental health support as she had same issues and we both work. Doesn’t help the anxiety levels. She said mind were really good and understanding. Maybe they would help with social aspect.

If I go anywhere I’m always wondering where the toilets are and can’t settle till I find them. My life is stressful enough at the minute and I wish I could be as care free as some of my friends are, going here and there with no probs!

Good luck and hope you get sorted.

Hi Will,

Just as SnooW says above, I could have written your brilliant description myself, it's the first time on here that I've ever heard of anyone having symptoms so similar to mine.

When I get the feeling that a bowel movement is necessary but only wind comes out, then sometimes using a mini-enema or glycerine suppository will improve things. Despite having loose bms, I don't think I ever completely evacuate my bowel and that's what causes the wind back-up - and laxatives aren't the cure either.

I have trouble after lunch (rarely after the evening meal) and, like you, not every day either. I get this huge, painful rush of wind that starts somewhere in my midriff and then forces it's way down to my lower regions meaning a sudden sprint for the loo. Lunching with the ladies is just not an option!

Do you also find that if you try something new, e.g. pills, diet etc they sometimes seem to give an initial improvement (or make things worse) and then things go back to how they were?


Will1234 profile image

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for all the replies , very interesting and it seems those symptoms are quite common and like Pagan 1 says everything you try works for a short while then goes back to where they were.

I can say that my symptoms seem to be worse in spells and I get some periods where it seems OK . it is much better if it occurs in the morning then usually OK for coming day. I get the difficulty of social life issues, eating out, holidays and travelling etc. Sometimes it stops me but I try not to let this condition rule me. For now I often manage to get by with doses of Immodium . if that stopped working I would be goosed ! Eating out is a real trial , --How do you put food in , when you already know what is almost certainly going to result !

It is somehow a little comforting to know others have similar issues and not alone !

As I have had IBS for 50 years and now 71 , I think I will just be keeping it , would not now want invasive tests with cameras and such like and other than IBS , I am pretty healthy --I think . Maybe they will find a Medication that cures but probably not.

I think IBS does not exist , doctors just call the symptoms IBS when they can't find out what is wrong with you . A good example of this is to google Dr Habba , him of Habba Syndrome , quite interesting .

Anyway this has been quite interesting and a little comforting, I thank you all for your posts . It is notable however, that no one came up with a medicine or procedure that illuminated these awful symptoms.

Thanks again


Hi again Will,

Just to comment on two points you've made: firstly, two years ago, a colorectal consultant told me that he got very annoyed with medics at all levels who regarded IBS as some sort of 'diagnosis' thereby encouraging patients to think that one day a universal cure might be discovered. He said that it's just an umbrella term for an assortment of symptoms for which no underlying cause can be discovered, so you're absolutely right on that score.

Secondly, I don't blame you for not wanting a load of invasive tests, however, there is a way of getting your insides thoroughly examined without resorting to colonoscopy/gastroscopy. The procedure is called capsule camera endoscopy and here's the link: I really don't know why this isn't offered more often - most people don't even know about it and it's not that new either.

I keep giving serious consideration to having this done myself, however, I bet that on the day, my innards would be perfectly well-behaved and I'd still be none the wiser!

Best wishes,


Will1234 profile image
Will1234 in reply to

Hi Cat,

Thanks for the info . I think there is also other systems like virtual colonoscopy . To be honest, the older I get, the more I get frightened that there will be something bad found if they look hard enough. Since I have had it since about age 21 , I think, if there is not a nice simple medicine to cure and I am not in great pain , I will just soldier on. As my wife says , at this time of life your bound to have something wrong with you. .


in reply toWill1234

Yeah, I absolutely get that!

Will1234 profile image
Will1234 in reply to

Cheers !

torcol profile image

Hi Will

I truly believe that anxiety is the no.1 culprit. Most of us must agree that due to unpredictability we wake up and it is first and foremost on our mind. This sets the presidence for the day. Everyone is Leary of leaving, going to work, a vacation, even walking the dog.

I am a young 56 😉, I was always the nervous, non-thrill seeking stressed out kid and eventually adult. This took a toll on my insides for sure. I was never really sick, at least not ( clinically physical) sick. I led a pretty normal life thru my twenties but things just kinda progressed.

When I reflect back I remember my siblings, friends etc looking at me like I was crazy because I am an immediate reaction type person. What does this mean? Well, when something negative comes up suddenly, my immediate reaction is one akin to a near traffic accident ( for lack of a better description). My chest hurts, heart races, hyperventilate, need to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW! Over the years I was made fun of, My Mom would always say things like, oh my god, calm down, why do ya u do that, don’t be ridiculous etc... therefore I always thought I was not normal, I shouldn’t react in such a way etc... over the years that it made me worse because now I worried about why I reacted so crazy whren no one else did??? You get the idea....

Move ahead twenty some years and wonder why you are a nervous, anxiety ridden IBS sufferer! I have “episodes” that come from nowhere. During my meal I will be eating and have the suddden, out of the blue urge to “go” right now! I can’t rven get across the room, it’s like I have no muscles to stop the flow and make a horrible mess. This happens about twice a month ( to this degree). Now I can tell you it is the most degrading, the lowest self esteem, the most embarrassing event to happen to someone. Who wants to chance leaving home after that???

I had the IBScheck test about a month ago, ninety seven percent positive. I have seen a physiological specialist several times now and that has helped more than I can say! I was always against sharing with a stranger but wow, the calming techniques have been so much help.

I live with I B S, I now have learned to deal with it. I won’t allow it to control me and ruin my quality of life. I retrain my brain and I go places, do things and enjoy life. Whatever happens, happens, I say to myself, what’s the worst thing that can happen, I’ve never died from anxiety or IBS so I’m going, I’m doing, I’m living!!

I wish you and all sufferes the best and hope you can enjoy life. My doctor said it best “what is life if you are just going to stay home and worry about dying”? No one is getting out of this alive so live, eat, smile, enjoy! I now eat what I want, take no meds, smoke and go places every day! I’m living and it is what it is!!! Mind over matter!

Sorry so long.......... no I’m not👏👍😀

Sosampop profile image
Sosampop in reply totorcol

Hi You wrote how I was as a child still do for that matter the nervous person worrying and seeing the worst that could happen, and I just wish I could be like you and get the mind over matter I had a course of CBT but did nt get much out of it. But will keep on trying to stop worrying about every little thing in life, how I envy the people who seem to be able to live without worrying. Whereas it started when a kid as butterflies in the stomach has now turned over the years into IBS D. Thank you for writing it sounds like my life.

SnooW profile image
SnooW in reply toSosampop

Sympathise and empathise with you. i was and am, the same, Sosampop.

torcol profile image
torcol in reply toSosampop


I still have my days, still have anxiety but after quitting several great jobs, missing out on trips, not eating out and crying a lot I finally went to the doctor. Because I refuse to take any medication for fear of side effects ( I will talk myself into every one of them), my dr said “if you won’t take antidepressants, IBS meds or anything I want you to see our psychiatrist or I will not continue to have you as a patient. I didn’t blame her, how do you help someone who won’t help themselves? The first visit wats an hour, he talked sooo soothing, close your eyes, feel the oxygen moving thru your feet, breath in thru your nose, feel the air going thru your ankles. WIth my eyes closed he continued all the way up to my head as I would breath in thru my nose, hold slightly and out thru my mouth. He was so gentle and even toned it just relaxed my whole self. We talked before the session was over, he explained how when we get anxious we tighten and the first thing to do is EXHALE, and stomach breathing. When out If I get panicking I stop, exhale, breath thru nose, exhale out thru mouth and look for things around me that I can see, feel, smell. By then my mind has gotten off anxiety and slowly back to the task.

He also said, hey, worst case scenario. Say you would die, you wouldn’t know it, it’s just like going to bed in your nice safe place, you close your eyes and you just don’t wake up but it’s the most comfortable, warm, peaceful place on earth, you just don’t wake up! I truly always believed that was what it would be like anyway. He was right, no fear, who cares if I have an attack, who knows what they are going thru? I smiled all the way home. I set my own visits as needed, went five times and am happier, more content, more adventurous and deal with my IBS my own way.

I eat whatever I want, drink soda, smoke cigs and on bad loose days I stay home and can only blame me! I refuse to change my diet, I enjoy food too much, I refuse meds and sing that old Elvis song”I did it my way”.

Will1234 profile image

Hi torcol,

I think you covered the whole issue pretty well.

I think great that you get on with life , as you said so well, none of us are getting out alive . This is our only life --not a rehearsal !

So living and enjoying things is essential. Glad to hear that despite all you are getting on and going places etc.


torcol profile image

Thanks Will, I’m rooting for you!

Hdr2712 profile image

After trying Colpamin, Buscopan and Colofac and even CBD oil with not much success, I now have lactose free milk and cheese, have a live yoghurt every day at breakfast time and take 2 probiotic tablets each night. It hasn't eliminated the symptoms as such but the stomach pain is much reduced. Like others have said, over @14 years or so, the symptoms have changed. It gets into a regular, predictable pattern for a few months, then changes. At the moment it's 2 bad days and 1 good but at times it can be 3/4 bad days on the trot. Early morning appointments are a no no and I even had to miss an important eye appointment due to it being 9am!

Trying to describe my symptoms can be difficult but will try. I wake up, feel ok and the moment I get to the loo, it starts. I can only describe it as like a mud slide in consistency but in small amounts and in ribbons mostly at a time and gets stuck so can last almost an hour at a time. I eventually think its over only for it to start up after breakfast or even throughout the day. Urge to push just like having a baby. Pain mostly after a session. Pain used to be like awful period pain years ago but less so now my stress is far less due to a more peaceful life. When working, it was getting very difficult as I had to disappear every so often to the loo. Started when I was around late 50's but now 73 and on good days I feel fine.

Oh to be able to go normally again as I did in my youth. Fat chance with IBS!

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