My IBS see to have changed, it's gone from IBS mainly with diahorrea, but seems to be more constipation now. And when I do go for a bowel movement, it's very hard for me to go and takes a lot of effort. It is quite painful and easy for me to push but not as easy for me to let it out if that makes sense. Does anyone have any advice on how I can make it easier for me to go? Sorry if it's too much information.
Query about my IBS changing: My IBS see to have... - IBS Network
Query about my IBS changing

What is your fibre intake like?
Could be a number of things including diet, but also perhaps anxiety can make the letting go difficult. I have a muscle weakness around my anus which means lack of control. Usually this means not being able to hold it in but I guess it could also hamper the final push so to speak. When I used to have hard stools I did find the last stage painful and very slow
Hi there you could try laxido it’s a stool softener will make it easier to pass , drink warm water first thing in morning and don’t too eat too much fibre !!!! Also try fast walking that gets things moving the laxido may take a while to work and it’s hard to get dose right but it’s better than being constipated 🤣x
I have tried increasing my fibre intake over the last week or so to try and make it easier to go, and it's not helping. As like I said, my IBS is usually more diarrhea based but last few weeks has been more constipation based. It's doing my head in as not used to the change. I've now not been for nearly a week. My abdomen is really sore as I need to make a bowel movement but am still unable to but in a lot of discomfort and not sure what to do. I've tried stool softeners in the past and they didn't work properly for me as they made me go into diarrhea mode.
I'm at the end of my tether at the moment as not used to having either one bowel movement or none in a week as usually went every three days or so and it's causing me a lot of discomfort and pain and makes me feel light headed.
I can't keep going through this every week and my doctor's are not listening or taking me seriously.
If you have not had a bowel movement. for almost a week, I would put in an emergency call to your doctor. If that doesn't work go to the emergency room of your local hospital.
I have just calculated that I have now not been for a bowel movement since last Tuesday, which is now around 9 days x
I have contacted my doctor's and they said a locum will ring me this afternoon so am waiting for them to call me.
Nine days is too long. I hope you have heard from them and the problem is in the process of being resolved. If not go to the emergency room.
As want to find a natural way to ease the constipation, as if I use laxatives or suppositories, it puts me straight into diarrhea mode for 3 days straight and then go back constipated again
I think increasing your fibre can make constipation worse if you don't drink lots of water too to help it pass through.
I never suffer with diarrhoea, but I keep a diary so I know when I need to act if I haven't been to the loo for a while. Certain natural foods will help me - there is a gluten free buckwheat cereal which for some reason works, and I find frusli bars will also help me go. If I eat Fruit n Fibre cereal every day it has no effect. If I eat it occasionally, it does - no idea why!
Another thing I tried was a teaspoon of inulin in a glass of water before I went to bed. That seemed to work and is a natural ingredient. I think it's meant to help you sleep too.
Good luck!