Hi all I’ve been having regular bm using optifibre and movicol but towards the evening I get the urge to go but nothing is happening which leaves me very uncomfortable full of wind and bloated is this another symptom of ibs ? Many thanks x
Ibs symptom ?: Hi all I’ve been having regular... - IBS Network
Ibs symptom ?
Yes it's a symptom of ibs, but if it worries you then ask your doctor about it.
Thankyou I only started getting it since taking the optifibre and movicol x
Is it making you feel really bad or are you OK with it?
Causes lot of wind but it does work lol am awaiting a ct colonoscopy x
I used to get a lot of wind, started using lacto free dairy and now it has stopped.
I think it’s the probiotics in the optifibre fermenting !! X
Try eating a prebiotic such as a banana before you take the probiotics, it might help.
Thank you I will try anything surprising how many symptoms ibs has in store ! X
I've had it for years but it doesn't really bother me anymore.. It just takes time to figure things out.
Still trying after nearly 30 years lol x
That's a long time lol
Has anything helped?
Only the optifibre have tried everything under the sun apart from tnt !! Am taking antidepressants at the moment as the pain got me down , haven’t been able to exercise for months as my back seized up , am very grumpy when don’t get my endorphins x
I was going to say if I don't exercise my ibs plays up.
Is your back really bad?
Yep I had to have paramedics in they gave me entonox didn’t touch the pain obvs the doctor woudnt see me as they not doing face to face , so prescribed painkillers and muscle relaxant , couldn’t move an inch ! Had to go chiropractor who though I’d torn a muscle in glute !! Prob from all the exercise , can walk a bit now but can’t do the mileage I used to x
So will it heal or does it require professional help?
I got no idea haven’t seen a doctor they have their receptionist bouncers armed with rifles if you dare demand appointment x
Is that in England?
Here in Northern Ireland we can get seen if its bad enough.
Yes I think they will see you if your dying , dead , hysterical or suicidal , comatose , or about to be cremated ! X
You could pretend that you're dead, would it work lol
I’ve tried all of the above the reply wAs no appointments left ring back 8 am tomorrow by which time I would’ve met Jesus at the pearly gates x
So you have to just get on with it then, i know what it's like.
Can you do enough to keep the boredom away, does the sore back stop you?
Stops me doing things I love but determined to get fit again not a fan of staying in when the great outdoors is calling me lol , would love to get back on my bike again , and traipse across fields with my dog x
Hopefully you will get doing those things again.. I have a bit of arthritis so i don't do things like I used to I'd die if I had to stop.
It’s the joy of getting older !! I’m bit stubborn so nothing will stop me lol x
I'm the same lol I don't give in to anything.

There aren't probiotics in Optifibre. It is a prebiotic, which means it is feeding your own gut bacteria, rather than giving you bacteria.
Knew it was one or the other ! So does that mean if you have more bad bacteria than good the pre biotic wil encourage them ? X

Potentially. I can't remember, but have you been on any probiotics like Alflorex first and continuing to take them?
No I took probiotics few years ago from Holland and barratt ended up with sibo lost loads weight And had to have 2 weeks antibiotics to kill the bad bacteria off ! , so bit weary of taking them I have bought some more expensive ones with lot of different strains not took them yet tho x

Sorry to interrupt the post, but I've just started trying to go lactose free. I have the lacto free milk, but does everything with milk in it also contain lactose? So no biscuits/chocolate /butter /cheese spreads? Finding it hard to come up with stuff to eat at breakfast and lunch. Don't much like taste of the milk so have abandoned the idea of cereal!
As far as I know everything with milk contains it, but most people can get away with a tiny amount of it, like having ordinary milk in tea for instance.
Yes no milk everything gotta be lactose free ! X
You be amazed at the foodstuffs with milk in , glad I’m not going lactose free , good luck !! X

Thanks, I might struggle to avoid chocolate and crisps, can't believe that crisps have it, you'd think it would just be cheese flavours!
Im lacto intolerant but can have a small amount of butter with no issues. I don’t have cheese but Arla do a good cheddar which i use if i make cauli cheese .. the vegen cheeses are revolting. Ive been so much better since giving up dairy - good luck..
I always felt bloated in the evening and it made me feel like i needed to go, but I didn't. I think the bloating just puts pressure on everything. I religiously drank peppermint tea but it didn't help. Maybe yours has worsened because of your back problems? Gabapentin is meant to be good for nerve pain that people get with back problems. I recently restarted it to see if it helps with stomach pain, no effects yet🙄
Try ginger tea for the bloating.
That could be a reason never thought I’d that I’m trying not to take too many prescription meds keep forgetting what I have and haven’t took lol x

I know how you feel, though I'm only on one co-codamol a day now and one gabapentin 🙄
Hi it’s me again
I’ve often felt very bloated and uncomfortable also. I’ve mostly cut out wheat from my diet. I still have a little treat with wheat now and again (unlike dairy I avoid like the plague). Ive found a couple of places nearby that sell cakes which are both wheat and dairy free !