Colonoscopy: Hi, new here. I've been told I need... - IBS Network

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AshC20 profile image
15 Replies

Hi, new here. I've been told I need a colonoscopy to figure out what's going on and I'm absolutely terrified to be honest, does anyone have any tips or help? Especially to calm my nerves? The more I stress the worse my flare ups are and I'm in agony with it at the moment.


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AshC20 profile image
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15 Replies
Jaycee profile image

Hi There, There is really nothing to worry about, as long as you take the laxative, also use vaseline every time you go as it will stop your skin from irritation, also ask for sedation if it's an option, then you won't know anything about it, are you in the UK? if so ask for Picolax, it's so much easier to take than the Movelat, even if they send you it, ask for the Picolax. Good Luck.

AshC20 profile image
AshC20 in reply to Jaycee

Thank you, yes in the UK, I've heard so many different things and just so on edge about this!

Supersonicwoman profile image
Supersonicwoman in reply to Jaycee

Jaycee, the anticipation is much worse than the actual procedure and they do everything they can to make you feel relaxed - I had an easy time of it when I had mine and they found nothing and the relief is the best thing ever - you may be the same - its to make sure you are okay and to help you - don't worry!

b1b1b1 profile image

The worst part is the preparation. As Jaycee says, you will be sedated for the procedure, so try not to worry too much. The good part is that the doctor knows the results immediately and you can call him right away, or if you should be awake, ask him.

AshC20 profile image
AshC20 in reply to b1b1b1

Thank you, it sounds stupid but it's all just really embarrassing I find too, I'm not quite 20 yet so all just a bit much

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to AshC20

Hi, thinking and worrying about it is much worse than the actual procedure .. you can choose between full sedation to knock you out (you'll need someone to drive you home afterwards,) or gas and air (entonox) which you breathe as and when you need it, it just makes you a bit 'floaty' and not so aware of what's going on but still able to respond. They will take you through it all beforehand and explain everything. If it gets uncomfortable going 'round the bends' tell the doc and s/he will adjust your position - there'll be a monitor screen next to you which shows what's going on in your insides which can be a good distraction! The doc will tell you if any polyps are found, and will remove them then and there, it's completely painless. They tell you at the end of the procedure what they've found, with a follow-up letter to you and your GP.

I took my clearing-out laxative with apple juice, it's a lot of liquid to get down you but just follow the instructions and sit on the loo, it isn't the most pleasant way to spend a few hours but read a book or watch a box set! Use vaseline or Sudocrem to keep from getting sore.

Buy tins of beef consomme soup for the prep diet and this is a useful link for more options;

Sorry this is so long - trying to allay your fears :-) Good luck.. relax, all will be well.

p.s. They've done thousands of these procedures, and seen every conceivable shape, size and age of bottoms, it's just what they do so don't be embarrassed ;-)

Slt1971 profile image
Slt1971 in reply to AshC20

Its absolutely fine just diiscomfort but you can ask them to give you a shot of diazepam which relaxes you and it’s a really quick proceeedure like the others said the preparation drink is the worst it gets ! but deffo cream your bottom hole as it’s like acid burning towards the end of emptying lol but apart from that you will be fine x good luck try not to worry let us know how you get on but I’m sure you will be ok xx

You should be given a bit of sedation before the procedure. That is normal practice. You jut need to relax, and you get to see what is happening on a tv screen! Good luck.

Sandramaylee profile image

it honestly doesn't hurt as long as you take the sedation. you will feel great after as all the rubbish from your bowels would of been cleaned out with the pre, I always take mine with lime juice and through a straw. Your be fine

Ibs17 profile image

I’ve never had one, but take all the wonderful advice from above. Hoping it goes well and they sort you out. I’ve had bowel problems for nearly all my life ,over 40 years now and have never been offered a colonoscopy to see what exactly is going on. Do you like listening to music to calm you or can you get one of the mindful colouring books to take your mind off things. Wishing you all the best.

helen1992x profile image

Hi AshC20 - I found a colonoscopy nowhere near as bad as I made it out to be in my head. They should offer sedation, especially as you're in quite a lot of pain and quite nervous. I had one for my endoscopy last month and I don't remember a thing. Good luck! xx

sweetsusie profile image

The prep is the worst part of this procedure in my opinion. The doctor will sedate you for the actual procedure. Try drinking the prep through a it as far back in your mouth as you can without choking...that will help tons...good luck!

Tam1987 profile image

Hi, I have one on Friday and I’m absolutely terrified, I’m so nervous about what people have told me about it but it can’t be as bad as having 2 c-sections wide awake and all the pulling and tugging I felt then? I’m 31 f, in the last couple of days some of my blood results and stool tests come back positive, now on meds for ulcers just need to find where they are. I’m so scared feel like a right baby if I’m honest, I don’t like anything to do with hospitals but I know that this needs to be sorted I have 2 little girls to look after, I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks bad any tips or tricks would be greatful, thanks x

Slowdown profile image
Slowdown in reply to Tam1987

You're right: 2 c-sections make a colonoscopy pale into insignificance Tam1987. Brave you, how traumatic. I can assure you as someone who also had an emergency c-section (many years ago, but the memory lingers on..) that this procedure is not remotely as distressing as that. See my post here earlier about what to expect - once you're over the rather unpleasant prep and loo-sitting and you're 'in the system' at the hospital it's all rather routine and calming, no-one likes actually being in hospital but think of it as a positive step towards getting better so you can enjoy your 2 little girls in good health. Practically, manage your breathing, if you have entonox (gas and air) take long deep breaths and consciously relax your body so you don't tense up, watch the monitor screen to follow what's happening (or close your eyes if that would bother you!) It's over in 30 minutes or so and you'll be one step nearer being well. Best of luck, you'll be fine, so many of our anxieties are in our own heads.

Tam1987 profile image

I just found out I have that h.pylori bacteria, too, I hope I recover fully it’s really quite worrying I haven’t felt well for about 6 months now on and off, good days and bad days about even, hopefully they will find what they are looking for now and it will all be over, thank you for replying I’ll try to be brave by looking forward to it at all :( x

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