Hi all
I was wondering if anyone had any advice/help to the following:
nearly a year ago I had my first baby, the birth wasn't great i was in labour for 3days and then a cup and forceps were used. My after bleed didn't stop for about 4months and I was prescribed antibiotics which didn't help. At this time I also started to get constant diarrhoea and got told it was just IBS (I've had tests to rule out anything nasty) once my after bleed stopped the diarrhoea eased abit. But my periods were a complete mess and I had spotting in between. I got my doctor to put me back on the combined pill which has helped but I still get bleeding and pain after sex. Since being on the pill bowel movements have improved again but still have issues.
I recently went for a colposcopy and they found some abnormalities so I am being booked in for a hysteroscopy to get things checked out.
I also get horrendous pelvic, hip and lower back pain.
My mother thinks that during the birth maybe something could have been knocked and hasn't healed.
I was just wondering if anyone else had anything similar or could give some advice.
I've seen a gastro who said it's not linked and it's "just ibs and that's my life now"
Which I don't believe and am bored of being told this