I suffer from diverticulosis and over the last few months have suffered from flare ups of diverticulisis. Am now considering having elective surgery for this. Would be really interested to hear other people's experiences with this?
having a colon resection : I suffer from... - IBS Network
having a colon resection

I had my sigmoid colon removed last year because I have slow transit constipation and my bowel was very long, stretched, floppy and loopy and I kept getting volvolus (the bowel folding over its self causing bowel obstruction) I was in hospital for 2 weeks. 5 days before surgery as I got rushed in with another obstruction and 8 days after the surgery. My operation took 5 hours and I was in a lot of pain for the first 4 days after. I recovered quite quickly after that and was back at work 5 weeks after surgery. I still take 1 laxido a day to keep the rest of my bowel moving and am gluten, dairy and soya free. I still have bad days but am a lot better. Hope this helps and best of luck with whatever you decide.
Dear Kerry
Thanks for replying to my query. You sound as if you have really been in the wars with your health conditions and am very pleased that your recent op seems to have sorted you out.
I am waiting to go in for resection of my sigmoid colon following years of suffering from acute diverticulitis which I have been unable to manage through antibiotics and diet and which has steadily got worse. I am worried about both the op and its side effects and how long it will take to get back to a normal life afterwards.
Keep well!
I have a friend who was hospitalised 11 times with attacks of diverticulitis and needed intravenous antibiotics each time and she eventually had surgery. She is absolutely fine now and very glad she had it done. Before resorting to surgery, you could try my regime which has helped me a lot. I also have had terrible years with attacks of diverticulitis - one year I was on antibiotics about every 6 weeks, so I do sympathise (although touch wood, I've never been in hospital with an attack, although maybe I should have been, at times!) Now I take 1 capsule of Optibac For Daily Wellbeing in the morning after breakfast, Optibac Saccharomyces boulardii in the evening after my dinner (1 capsule opened and stirred into Greek yoghourt with honey). and at some point during the day away from my probiotics, I take 10 drops of Higher Nature grapefruit seed extract (citricidal) stirred into a full glass of water. I haven't had an attack for a year so am cautiously optimistic........I started with the gse in January this year after reading about it on (I think ) the Earth Clinic forum. In June this year, I did feel the familiar signs of a developing attack so I upped my gse to 15 drops 3 times a day in water and thanks goodness, managed to nip it in the bud after a few days and dropped back down to my 'maintenance dose.'
All doctors ever advised was clear liquids for a few days, then low fibre during an attack and high fibre when recovered.......I have had to do lots of my own research before coming up with what seems to suit me and am very grateful to the internet and people sharing their stories on forums. If I can help someone with this horrible condition, I would feel I am repaying a little. For info, I am 70 years old and had my first attack at age 54 (somewhere around there). I eat more or less what I Iike although not too many raw salady type veggies or fruits with seeds or hard peel. As time goes on and I get more confident, I will hopefully go back to lots of salads, which I do love.
Thanks Firinne for your really helpful reply.
I am already taking Optibac Extra Strength (chose this as it contains no FOS and I am pretty sure that I am now also suffering from Fructose Malabsorption as nearly all fruits, honey, syrup etc don't stay with me long!) I will now also try some Optibac Saccharomyces boulardii and the Grapefruit seed extract too.
I have suffered from this wretched complaint for well over 15 years but this last year it has really been out of control and the list of foods which trigger a flare up has got longer and longer to the extent that I have become quite neurotic about what I can still safely eat. The various antibiotics I have been prescribed don't seem to control it and have had increasingly bad side effects. I seem to be on permanent liquid diets and as a result have lost a lot of weight and feel really malnourished. Hence the difficult decision to go for surgery which is booked for a month's time. But will try the other Optibac probiotic and grapefruit seed to see if that makes any difference.
Very pleased for you though that you feel you have got it under control. How long ago did your friend have her re-section and is she now completely free of symptoms and able to eat whatever she fancies!
I know that feeling - being afraid of food! I could never identify anything in particular that set me off. I remember thinking at one time mushrooms were a no-no, as I had a bad attack a couple of days after a meal with a lot of mushrooms, didn't eat them for ages, then started again and no problems. It's such hard work trying to identify food that doesn't agree.....You have my sympathy, JM. Uumm, let me think....it must be about 3 years ago now. She hasn't had any attacks since, that I'm aware of and can now eat anything. She isn't a close friend and in fact I didn't know her, really, prior to her op. so not sure just how ill she got. I imagine she must have been pretty bad, with all those hospital stays. I am far from being an expert but I do know getting the balance of good and bad bacteria right is so important and it does sound as if your 'innards' must have got really out of whack. Poor you! Maybe, in your case, an operation is your best bet........ I really wish you all the very best.
Thanks Firinne for your really helpful reply.
I am already taking Optibac Extra Strength (chose this as it contains no FOS and I am pretty sure that I am now also suffering from Fructose Malabsorption as nearly all fruits, honey, syrup etc don't stay with me long!) I will now also try some Optibac Saccharomyces boulardii and the Grapefruit seed extract too.
I have suffered from this wretched complaint for well over 15 years but this last year it has really been out of control and the list of foods which trigger a flare up has got longer and longer to the extent that I have become quite neurotic about what I can still safely eat. The various antibiotics I have been prescribed don't seem to control it and have had increasingly bad side effects. I seem to be on permanent liquid diets and as a result have lost a lot of weight and feel really malnourished. Hence the difficult decision to go for surgery which is booked for a month's time. But will try the other Optibac probiotic and grapefruit seed to see if that makes any difference.
Very pleased for you though that you feel you have got it under control. How long ago did your friend have her re-section and is she now completely free of symptoms and able to eat whatever she fancies!
Hi jm44 my sister has that divicurtistis & she has horrible flare ups & dusent plan many trips out incase of needing a toilet urgently but there s not a lot the doctor cud do for her so she takes loperamide for the dyria they help her a lot she takes two she sed she dusent need the toilet so much & she can go out a bit more if I was you babe I wudent let the doctors mess with your stomache you might even get more problems take care & be safe patricia