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Colon cancer symptoms

zmr_3 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone,

I’m new here and just looking for some support. The last two weeks I’ve had occasional blood in my stool and sometimes in the toilet paper after wiping. I have a feeling as if something is stuck in my bum but nothing takes the pressure away. I have loose stools but also have gallbladder issues so not sure if it is related to this. I also have stomach cramps but again not sure if this is all related since it is also that time of the month for me. I feel incredibly scared and nervous. I’m so stressed out there’s days where all I do is cry because I’m just terrified that it’s colon cancer. My doctor thinks maybe it’s an internal hemorrhoid so he gave some rectal suppositories and it took away the burning and itching I had and temporarily the pressure in my rectum but now the pressure is back. I have asked my doctor for a colonoscopy but again I’m already terrified for the results.

Anyone out there with the same symptoms? What did it turn out to be? If you have been diagnosed with colon cancer what were your symptoms? This all is making me so stressed out. I feel so scared.

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zmr_3 profile image
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17 Replies
FRreedman profile image

If the blood is red (ie. fresh) it is generally, from hemorrhoids. The only the doctors get really excited is when the blood is black or very dark, as this will, normally, have come from higher up the intestines, and is older blood. It doesn't matter what I, or anyone else here says, you will still worry, until your colonoscopy results are in. I have had internal hemorrhoids, and they can be very painful, and, certainly, uncomfortable during and immediately after a bm. The other thing that is indicative of a major issue,(but you don't mention) is a complete change in bowel habits (from constipation to diarrhoea, or vice versa). Good luck and please keep us posted.

zmr_3 profile image
zmr_3 in reply to FRreedman

Thanks for the reply. I don’t have any constipation just very loose stools and occasionally diarrhea. So I guess it is a change in bowel movement just hard to know bc of my gallbladder issues. Can I ask, how did you know it was internal hemorrhoids and not something else? Initially I thought it was internal hemorrhoids but would of thought it would of been resolved by now.

FRreedman profile image
FRreedman in reply to zmr_3

The bright red blood and the feeling of not quite emptying (something was still there). BTW mine took almost six months to go, because they get aggravated when you have a bm, and because they are there you feel like you need a bm. It is a vicious circle.

zmr_3 profile image
zmr_3 in reply to FRreedman

That makes sense. Hoping that’s what it is in my case

Marygulliford profile image

I've had colon cancer, over ten years ago, but I would act quick "just in case" better to get sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy as soon as possible. Do not be afraid, as you will be looked after very well. Blood in stools is an early sign to get checked. I was sent to a gastroenterologist in first instance. I wish you well but please push for further tests. Lots love and hugs x.

zmr_3 profile image
zmr_3 in reply to Marygulliford

Thank you I will. So pretty worrisome just the chance that they will find something. I feel like it’s a test that is very hard to pass and I’m pretty nervous :/

Breathless1943 profile image

I tend to agree with both these ladies. I’ve suffered bowel problems for over ten years,and occasionally get blood when I’ve had a bowel movement,and believe me I’ve had every test going,and I still don’t really know what my problem is,BUT I do know it couldn’t be cancer or I think I would most certainly know by now. If you haven’t seen a Gastroenterological consultant I suggest you do,and he will be able to recommend what to do next. To say to you don’t worry,would have no effect,I know how worried you must be. But where there’s a negative there’s usually a positive too.

What I will say to you is push your GP for a referral and don’t take no for an answer,it’s your right.

zmr_3 profile image

Thank you for that reminder. Yes waiting to schedule for a colonoscopy I asked to get one ASAP. Can I ask, did you have any other symptoms? Change in stool or anything?

Kim327 profile image

You can have blood for multiple reasons. gastritis, hemorroids, parasites etc . Mom had colon rectal cancer over 10 years ago. When she had symptoms she had lots of blood and couldn’t control her bowels. Doesn’t sound like your symptoms. She’s now 82 and hers was pretty advanced then and she was treated! she was in her early 70’s when diagnosed. The only reason she got is because she refused to get a colonoscopy. I went last year and I’m 48. They say 50 for no history and now 40-45 if in the family. Not sure if your age but definitely get a colonoscopy. It will put your mind at ease.

I also had a sigmoidoscopy which I went to an Infectious Disease Doctor. Parasites are real and more common than people think. Most Gastrointerologists don’t find them because of labs and the parasites die before testing. My doc does his own testing and found out results in 24 hours and put me on meds.

I just had an endoscopy too because of gastritis pain. I didn’t have blood in stool but mucus. lost so much weight it’s scary. People have definitely had blood with parasites. It is easily treatable with medication too.

I will tell you please don’t worry, but I know all too well you can’t help it. The thing is you just get checked and it can be taken care of and put your mind at ease. if one doctor doesn’t help you go to another until you find the one that listens and treats your problem!

Good luck and God Bless!

zmr_3 profile image
zmr_3 in reply to Kim327

Hi Kim, thanks for your kind words. I’m sorry to hear about your moms diagnosis but glad she’s okay now. It does help put my mind at ease so thank you. What did you endoscopy show? Was it just gastritis? Last year I was having similar symptoms as I am now: loose stools triggered by almost anything I ate. Turned out I had a gallbladder polyp and a gallstone but the doctor also thought I had gastritis. Not sure if my stress from all this is causing a flare up with gallbladder but I’m just a bit panicked as my stools seem to be narrow. Not pencil thin just a bit smaller than usual. But again this happened last year with gallbladder issues. There’s just a lot to think about lol I don’t know what is what and it scares me. Waiting to have a colonoscopy. Doctor said they are about 3 weeks out and bc they think it’s hemorrhoids there’s no urgency -_- good news is I haven’t had any blood recently and seems like my symptoms are not consistent as far as feeling pressure in my bum and some back pain I was having. So trying to remain positive but some days it’s harder than others.

God bless!

Kim327 profile image
Kim327 in reply to zmr_3

Glad to hear your symptoms are improved. Yes, only gastritis from the endoscopy.

Glad you have the colonoscopy set. It will give you peace of mind. I did mine and had a polyp but benign. Going back in 3 years (now 2 since I did it last year).

One of my docs told me the stress can cause issues and I need to relax. I’m stressed and can’t get rid of my gastritis/GERD. They said mild gastritis but I still have it. I have improved but I know the stress is causing it all. I don’t have any coffee or caffeine and I eat clean and bland foods. I also stopped any alcohol. I used to enjoy wine at times for weekends out to dinner but I now don’t drink because of the gastritis.

I now started making myself slippery elm bark tea every day. I heard that helps coat everything going down. I also add marshmallow root. I started once a day but heard 3xs is best for results. My acupuncturist recommended as well as many other patients with my symptoms. Just don’t take within two hours of any medication if you decide to try it.

I have been told to start yoga or

meditation. See which one works best. We need to try to calm down. Anxiety can cause problems. Easier said than done, I know!. I’m living proof of that! I can tell you not to worry yet I worry all day long.

Be well and good luck with your colonoscopy! It sounds like you will be fine since your symptoms improved. My moms got worse so improved is good! However, you need to get it and it’s good to do for your peace of mind so you can relax!

Wishing you the best of health!

Nina1983 profile image

What did parasites ...I keep.getting so much white stuff over stool. Looks mucusy but unsure now

Kim327 profile image
Kim327 in reply to Nina1983

I don’t know what the parasites look like I just know I had mucus in my stool. Not a lot... I just knew it was different and wasn’t normal. I never saw the parasites. You should get it checked though to be sure.

Infections Disease doctor is my recommendation to check for parasites. Some people also go to a functional medicine doctor. I never went myself but heard positive things about them. Not all Gastrointerologist look for parasites or find them. My gastro dismissed I even had one when I asked him. He never did a stool test just a colonoscopy and endoscopy. When I mentioned parasites he said he wasn’t concerned about them.

Hope you find answers and be well!

marshamclean profile image

I had my gall blader removed after such severe pain I could not tolerate it. Intermal hemorrhoids are most likely the cause of the blood. I constantly have pressure at my bottom and is very uncomfortable. Am seeing a new gyno in 2 months. Hope he can help. Eating 2 kiwis a day and a large glass of fiber a day have helped.

zmr_3 profile image
zmr_3 in reply to marshamclean

Hi! Thanks for the reply.. I’m also thinking it’s my gallbladder but the blood in the beginning of all this is what freaked me out and had me thinking that maybe I was misdiagnosed last year with gallbladder issues and maybe it was colon cancer all along. I’m just a really paranoid person when it comes to health. I hate it. I ordered a FIT test off of amazon while I ware to have a colonoscopy. Hoping that test is negative. Also, what seems to help my gallbladder issues is drinking apple cider vinegar with honey and water. Keeps my stools somewhat regular but just a bit narrow... not pencil thin just a little smaller than usual which again freaks me out. I just want this to be over so I won’t be so stressed

ZeeCM profile image

I’ve Been experiencing the same symptoms minus the blood. I walk around all day everyday with what feels like a tennis ball up my butt. Bowels are suddenly all over the place. My doctor gave me strong hemorrhoid suppositories to try and they did nothing. So I’m waiting on a sigmoidoscopy. I am terrified also as my symptoms are day and night, I can’t get comfortable even just to sit down in my car or lie down to sleep the pressure is so bad. I am actually praying at this point that they find something and that it can be removed. Just know you aren’t alone. It is insanely hard when you are unhealthy with no answers. It’s a vicious and sad waiting game. Please feel free to message me.

tredget27 profile image

Hey, I’m in same boat here... can’t see anyone specialist atm, I’ve had bad symtoms since before Xmas. Also I’ve stopped the booze as it was a daily habit and had a scare just before Xmas when I had a lot of blood in my stool as I was straining so hard had to use finger to aid (I know grim, used to do it all the time and not thought twice what it could have done)

I have also been bulimic in the beginning around 15 years, using laxatives at times Also. Vicious cycle but been getting my health back on track since Xmas and keeping my eating disorder at bay as I’m tired mentally and physically. My bowels are now in a bad state could be combination of booze not eating probably or keeping it down and lack of nutrients. Seeing my doc tomoz again (new one) hopefully help me as all others just say It’s down to anxiety. I know my body and it’s happens all day not just when I’m stressed. Thanks for your message, we’re in this together! Stay safe and good luck with it all :)

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