Hi all, I'm a 30 year old male and new to this site. I worry a lot therefore I would like to speak to others that have or are going through a similar situation. Just over 3 weeks ago I started to experience piles (I previously suffered from piles 1 year ago for a few weeks) then a couple of days later I started to experience stomach aches/cramps and felt a sudden urge to go to the toilet where I would pass a loose stool, then the ache/cramp would disappear. This would happen up to 4 times a day. I visited my GP 1 week later and was initially told to take Imodium and to come back in 2 or 3 weeks time if things didn't improve. During the next week things were not improving so I decided to phone 111 where they referred me to an out of hours doctor. He told me to take Buscopan and to take a stool sample to my GP for tests. The Buscopan has helped. I am not suffering with stomach aches but still get cramps/sudden urge to go to the toilet (still up to 4 times a day) and my stool sample test came back all clear. This is getting me quite down so I decided to try enterosgel. The day after taking enterosgel, my loose stools have turned into watery Diarreah and I was also vomiting and my whole body was aching like I had the flu (not sure if this is coincidence or not but I have stopped using enterosgel). Having phoned 111 again, they referred me for a telephone appointment with my GP. He prescribed me with anti nausea tablets and antibiotics called ciprofloxacin. I have been taking these for two days now and still experiencing diarreah, but feel much better and the vomiting has stopped. I spoke to my GP today and he said to visit him in two weeks time but in the mean time get some blood tests done which I have done today and my results are due in 1 week. Since experiencing the vomiting and watery Diarreah, I am going to the toilet up to 8 times a day and I cannot go to the toilet without sitting down on the pan. Bright red blood is also still noticeable in my Diarreah.
If you would like to share your experiences or have any useful advice, it will be appreciated.