Hi all,
After years of suffering with IBS and getting various pelvic infections with it. I finally got my answers from a stool sample which my doctor had never suggested by the way. This was a nutritionist who helped me.
Wow I had some nasties in me. Numerous yeast infections in my intestinal lining and a gluten sensitivity! I urge you all to get this stool screen done. I am on my way to recovery but to be honest I have found cutting some on Gluten it hasn't made a difference. I get bloating from gluten free products still!
So far switching from cows milk to almond milk has helped. I take a strong probiotic from holland and Barrett called probiotic advanced and take Silocol gel everyday. It says to take one tablespoon a day but that never touched me and I don't have time to take it 3 times a day as on the road a lot. I take 2 tablespoons in the morning.
Any questions let me know! Hope this advice helps.