So down: Hello, I'm sorry to upload again! I'm... - IBS Network

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So down

Flik22 profile image
26 Replies

Hello, I'm sorry to upload again! I'm so so down with diarreah stopping me from living! Even my mum is having words with me saying i need to carry on and stop worrying!! But it's so hard! Take today for instance my morning started off fine, I had plans for the day ahead, breakfast shower all ok! Then all of a sudden out of the blue a desperate bout of diarreah!?? Why!! I'd been to the loo fairly normally this morning anyway, I've eaten safe foods not had much alcohol, in fact had good news yesterday so yesterday felt really happy!! But now after this mornings episode all I've wanted to do all day is curl up in a ball and adamant this is how my life will be forever! I don't think it will as I know I can have good days but I really can't control this when I'm having the diarreah, the sore bum, warm sensations that diarreah is leaking, rumblings going on not in my tummy in my bottom, if it's food related surely it would happen a few hours after eating, not just suddenly come on mid morning with out any warning what so ever? No cramps no tummy pains nothing, I honestly thought I just needed a wee, sat on the loo and oh my god, watery horrid diarreah 😰😰! Feeling so low and down and desperate for this to stop ruining my life! I'm on escitalopram already, I have regular counselling, dairy free etc etc! I have loperamide / pepto Bismal!! Any advice would be so much appreciated.


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Flik22 profile image
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26 Replies

Did you have coffee in the morning?

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to

Hey, I have coffee every morning, it always makes me need to go! But not diarreah! Xx

in reply to Flik22

When my ibs was bad the first coffee always gave me diarreah.. it's the acid in it.

Why don't you try no coffee in the morning for a few weeks just to see if its the problem.

Neil119 profile image
Neil119 in reply to Flik22


Flik22 profile image

It's the not knowing isn't it! Some days I can tolerate foods other days I can't which is what makes me think it's not food related! I'm that tired with sleepless nights I couldn't cope without my coffee too! TBH I always have tea first! Then coffee !! For me it's more what it does To my head! One episode of diarreah and my day is wiped out!! Xx

in reply to Flik22

Yes it's the not knowing. I'm like you, some days I can tolerate things some days I can't. But in saying that I'm not to bad with ibs anymore, I always thought mine was stress related, now i am stress free and my ibs is almost non existent.

Flik22 profile image

I think mine might be delayed stress and when I relax it kicks in with diarreah?? Does that make sense?

in reply to Flik22

Yes it makes sense.

When I got it I would eat a banana and I'd be back to normal within an hour.

Bananas are good for stress.

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to

Good to know! Many thanks for talking to me 👍👍xx

in reply to Flik22

Any time at all, you are always welcome.

Try staying away from caffeine it the worst.

Sylvie200 profile image

I'm sorry to hear that you are so down. I know the feeling only too well. It's the unpredictability of it all that is so distressing. I tend to think it's not always one food but a build up of many foods that disagree with me. Also I can never drink any alcohol without having an attack so perhaps you are the same. Try looking at the website as it has some very good diet tips. Good luck.

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to Sylvie200

Many thanks, I'll have a look at the website 😘Xx

JanetJAM profile image

I can relate to what you have said. I have been taking Yakult and a probiotic in the morning which seems to have helped me. Mine always happens just as I’m putting my coat on to go out!!

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to JanetJAM

Hello, many thanks for your reply, Is yakult dairy? If so i can't have it as I've eliminated dairy out of my diet! Milk and cream are definite triggers for me! Xx

JanetJAM profile image
JanetJAM in reply to Flik22

Ah yes it says it’s fermented skimmed milk it’s gluten free though but that probably won’t help you sorry!

torcol profile image

Hi Flik22

Please, please do NOT let this paralyze you! I have had the same exact morning you described for the last 3 days! My mother, daughter, friend all have these exact mornings?? None of us can figure it out. Ages are all different, we all eat different but it’s exactly the same. Get up, eat or not eat breakfast and hit the floor running with watery diarrhea! It’s like I suddenly turned on a faucet in my intestines! Thank goodness I am not currently working but they all do and get by daily. Seems once we get thru the once, twice, three and sometimes four morning runs it is pretty good to go?

We all complain of the exact same thing, only difference is that I have anxiety that freaks me out and makes it worse, they do not. Always seems like after it gets out of the system in the morning the rest of the day is ok? Most generally no problems after lunch or dinner, at least not to that extreme! Unless I am going out or something because then I get anxiety diarrhea.

I fight with IBS c and IBS d but the d far more. I just figure on those really bad days I am staying home, period. After seeing how many people struggle with IBS and it’s embarrassing symptoms I figure to heck with it, I’m gonna live life and if an accident happens I’ll go home and change, no biggie.

IBS is not a death sentence, it is just an embarrassing, sometimes painful chain of events. I know that mornings are gonna suck. If I work it will be evenings and I don’t do “let’s meet for breakfast” EVER. I do late brunch or lunch. We will all be fine if we can eliminate the number one culprit, anxiety.

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to torcol

Hello, yes it's definitely my anxiety that gets the better of me! As soon as I have a watery poop it completey sets in and gets me makin everything a whole lot worse! Even if I hear a bowel grumble or noise it can set me off worrying oh no what if I need the loo and it's diarreah!! I absolutely hate it! I try to fight it, but I really struggle! I've re booked in with my therapist to see if I can get some tips to help with that!! Xx

josephinemarion profile image

So sorry to hear of your problem - my diarreah starts after lunch so I try never to go out in the afternoons. My lunch now consists basically of one roll only, but even so nothing seems to stop my stomach activating, and I've been caught out many times..... Someone gave me the tip that camomile tea is good for IBS and so now I drink that after my lunch and it does seem to help. I keep Imodium by me at all times to stop the diarreah once it starts, and if I'm out Codeine Phosphate 15 mg seems to settle things. I know that unfortunately what works for one IBS sufferer doesn't work for another, but please don't give up hope....

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to josephinemarion

Hello many thanks for your reply! I might try some camomile tea sounds a good idea!! Not heard of codiene phosphate? I know I take paracetamol with codiene in and they seem to help a little!! Xx

Ralphy38 profile image

Hey, sorry you are having such an awful time but have you looked into Bile Salt Malabsorbtion/Bile acid diarrhoea? I knew someone with similar symptoms to you, the diarrhoea just came out of nowhere with no obvious reason, it was so bad they ended up having to quit their job and then doctor starting looking into it more(they had previously been told its IBS now go away & get on with it). May be worth looking into if you havent already, just a suggestion as know how frustrating it is.

Nerissa profile image

Hi I was like that before I took amitriptline 35mg that’s very low dose but it works for me.. most of the time I can eat most things but obviously still get flares up now and again. Honestly it was lifesaver and the doctor says I will be on it for the rest of my life. The only side effect I had was sometimes being constipated and little extra weight but after going through what you are it was nice to put on weight and have constipation 😂 now I’m on a diet to loose extra weight and I’m doing low carb and that seems to make my stomach better so you could try that but I would recommend getting amitriptyline. Hope this helps x

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to Nerissa

Help, thanks for your reply! I've tried sertraline and now I'm on Escitalopram!?? Not been offered amitripyline, I could ask at my next review!! Haha yes being a little constipated would be ok for a day or 2!! Hope your diet goes well! Xx

Nerissa profile image
Nerissa in reply to Flik22

Thanks definitely ask for it works so well. You will be able to live again x

Tigger07 profile image

Hi so sorry hear your problem. I have suffered from very much the same thing. I have tried most advice even the fodmap. No foods pop up. But I am trying to control things. I do find that I can't drink tea or coffee before lunchtime. When I do I can't go for strongcoffee. If I'm going out anywhere i never eat in the morning apart from perhaps a banana which is really annoying ifor you are on holiday faced with a really nice breakfast which you want but know what the consequences will be. But I do find that caffeine is best avoided at certain times of the day

Stevington profile image

Don't give up. Find a good which is mildly binding (e.g. boiled egg and soldiers) and try a little and see what happens. There will be things which upset you and things that don't. It is completely personal. I have had Crohns for over 30 years and get this all the time, but have just come back from a 18 day business trip all over Asia. Things can be tough sometimes, but you will find your own way to cope.

One trick I sometimes use is Colpermin (peppermint tablets) and a single alka seltzer when I go to bed. Things seem much quieter in the morning.

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