Hi everyone. So I had some blood tests done a year ago because I was suffering problems with my stomach, mainly diarreah. All tests came back fine. Basically my symptoms which pro long and make me fear I have cancer are the constant gurgling, bubbling/popping sounds, the urge to run to the toilet, the feeling of being scared to go far incase I need to run to the toilet, passing a lot of wind (especially in the mornings), and just feeling down. I am worried I won’t ever have a relationship because of this, it’s embarassing. Can anyone relate? X
I’m not sure I can take this anymore! - IBS Network
I’m not sure I can take this anymore!

What is your diet like?
Hey kate
Got to ask what ur diet like? If u eat alot of fatty foods with ibs ur body cant absorb it so it basically gets rid(💩).
I got so fed up of pain and toilet prob last year i stopped fatty fast foods and gluten, dairy and it has sorted my stomach out fantastically.
No spices.
It a commitment but u gota think how u wana live!
I also take dig
Enzymes . Probiotics. Peppermint oil cap.
It a life change not a once of thing, u have ibs it aint goin anywhere u have to control it
Hi there! Do you take the peppermint oil capsules before or after eating? I just bought some and going to see if they help with bloating and feeling of trapped wind. Thanks!
I take mine about 15 mins before brekkie and dinner/tea(basically ur big meal) and that should stop any problems. If i have day where something has upset me ie im gluten and dairy intolerant so can b abit up and down when go out to eat. Il just take another couple when get home with some extra
Probiotics and it seems to sort out any stomach pains i get.
I was exactly the same until around 6 months ago. I know how isolating and lonely it can make you feel but you are definitely not alone. In fact, I was in my first year of university last year and ended up staying in my room most of the time because I was always in pain from being too bloated or just generally too uncomfortable and miserable to do things. It turned out that one of my flatmates had IBS too so it definitely is more common than you think and I didn't really need to suffer in silence.
Around exam time I decided that I had to do something about it. I didn't need the extra stress of my stomach making noises in the exam hall (sounds stupid but I was more worried about this than the actual exams) on top of the exam stress. I did the FODMAP diet (which I had done before but kind of half-assed it) and did it properly this time. I noticed a difference after around 3 days and things have been so much better since then. I finally feel like a normal person.
I'm not saying that the diet is for everyone and it'll cure you or something. I'm sure you've heard enough about people telling you to try different stuff. But I just wanted to share my story because there will be something that works for you and one day you will find it. Best of luck till then x
Ask your doctor to test you for Dysbiosis.
Hi, I’m exactlybthe same and have been for years. I have a little boy and feel like he has missed out on so much due to me being scared to go anywhere! I’ve been having tests lately and have cut out cows milk, having goats milk instead and started taking probiotics and have been loads better. There are also food allergy tests you can have. I’m waiting for biopsies back from a colonoscopy I had but honestly think I’m just sensitive to certain foods. Hope this helps. Also talking about it as others have said you’d be surprised how common it is. I’ve discovered 2 people at work also suffer.
Thank you for this reply. It’s reassuring that I’m not alone. I just fear cancer all the time :(.
it’s a lot more likely to be IBS but if your concerned and it’s affecting you like this then ask your Dr to refer you for a colonoscopy if you have associated symptoms (weight loss, blood in stools etc). Definitely try changing diet though. So much easier to control if you can find the things that set it off.
Your not alone ! I’ve had a sensitive tum since chemo years ago , kept being told it wasn’t a long lasting side effect 🙄, got worse last yr , had all the cameras up and down as nausea a big problem and diahoriah, nothing found apart from diverticulitis, also single Mum and rarely go out and often have guilt about school stuff I don’t go to
I’ve been dairy and gluton free for over a yr. now and while it dosnt cure I am at least 70% better most days
Also take probiotics
I’m just starting a kids milk ladder to try to Introduce again as it’s so restrictive and friends say I’m not getting enough nutrients
So definitely keep a food diary and try to see a pattern
You poor thing, i do feel sorry for you. There is now a test for IBS called ibschek. Ask your doctor for it, don't forget they are public servants working for us. At least when you get the result you will be able to concentrate on something. Good luck.
Your symptoms sound like classic IBS. I wouldn't worry about cancer unless you have alarm symptoms like significant weight loss along with blood in stool. I felt the same way you did before my colonoscopy and when it came back clear, it gave me so much peace of mind. Follow the FODMAP diet and go to a doc for testing to put your mind at ease. You will be fine, I promise!!
Thanks for this reply. I feel so alone at the moment so it’s nice that I’m not alone with the way I feel
You are not alone! I felt all the same exact things you did, trust me! I've cut a significant amount of dairy out of my diet and I feel loads better. Sometimes eating things like broccoli will give me gurgling, popping, wind for a good day or two! You should try the FODMAP diet for at least a couple of weeks and see if any symptoms clear up. Good luck xx
Hi Kate
Very Doubtful your Symptoms are Cancer , but see your Doc to confirm matters, The main Problems with Cancer is that there are Little or No symptoms Spec with Stomach Cancer ,you could have a food allergy try a Food diary ,well worth doing if you find you have trouble free days only for these dreaded symptoms to return ...