Cramping and diarreah at night.: I was diagnosed... - IBS Network

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Cramping and diarreah at night.

chubbylover78 profile image
5 Replies

I was diagnosed with ibs when I was 14, I'm now 37. Over the years I have had a colicky stomach ache during the night on and off. It usually happens every couple of months and in the beginning it just used to wake me up and running my stomach for about 20 minutes would get rid of it. Now it wakes me up and I start sweating and need to use the toilet. My stool starts out normal (normal for me anyway) but as the pain increases I start to feel like I will pass out and the sweating gets worse, as the pain peaks i get a water gurgle on my left side just under my ribs and I pass watery stool. Once the pain subsides the diarreah stops and I'm left sore and exhausted. It usually wakes me after 2 hours sleep. It happened last night but it didn't have anything to eat yesterday after lunch, so can't really be food related. I can't find a link to my symptoms with ibs and have refused anymore treatment from my consultant as I've been poked and prodded so many times over the years only to be told the same thing. Does anyone else have symptoms like this, what could be causing it?

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chubbylover78 profile image
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5 Replies
Deronda77 profile image

That sounds rough to go through. I don't normally get ibs in the middle of the night but I do get the sweating, feeling like you're gonna pass out etc when having an 'attack'. I read on here or somewhere else (not sure, sorry) about vasovagal reaction which I think can cause the symptoms I just mentioned in response to the pain / diarrhea. Hopefully someone else on here will have a bit more info about nighttime. Take care x

Danilou profile image

Hi,I have had the exact same symptoms as you since I was 16 ,now 39,I found worries and stress,makes mine worse,poor quality food sometimes bread or things containing wheat gave me an attack in the night,I used colpermine,or buscopane if the pain was really bad.any antispasmotic with peppermint oil helps.peppermint tea during the day also.

MaggieJemima profile image

I connect the sweating with muscle activity spasms in the belly produced by a bowel motion,like exercise produces

linedance profile image

I have very similar symptoms but this will usually come on about 9.00 or 10.00 in the evening and the stools gradually get looser and looser over the next couple of hours with fairly intense pain. It then passes away but I feel fairly washed out and delicate for the next couple of days. This happened a couple of evenings ago while I was away from home after 2 months of being clear. So annoying and distressing.

Mazer profile image

That's exactly how my stomach problems started 10 months ago but without the diarrhoea. I was fine in the day but would wake in the middle of the night sweating with a stomach ache.

I've now progressed to having stomach bubbling and stomach aches throughout the day and night now for the last 7 months and occasionally have diarrhoea.

Just having a drink before bed sets my stomach off bubbling and can make me feel like I'm going to have diarrhoea.

I'm finding it best to have my last drink 2 hours before bed.

Blood tests, ultra sound all clear. Was told it's IBS a month ago and they thinking it's anxiety causing it all. Having a stool sample tested for IBD next week.

Hope you feel better soon anyway.

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