Stomach cramps waking my up at night - IBS Network

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Stomach cramps waking my up at night

lifewave profile image
18 Replies

Hi guys,

I have a very strange problem. I suspect IBS but I am not sure. 3 years ago I started waking up every night at around 5 am with stabbing lower left abdomen pain that would sometimes radiate into the whole lower left abdomen. After waking up I would naturally try to go to the bathroom: no bowel movement but just standing and walking around for about 10-15 minutes helped. Since then I have been experiencing the same pain every night. I stopped gluten and that helped for a while but the pain is back again even without gluten.

I don't really get constipation or diarrhea, my bowel movements are pretty regular.

Went to the doctors, got an ultrasound, several bloodtests and a stool test: everything came back normal.

So I don't understand why I have this pain, and why only at night and only when I am sleeping? and why does it go away after a massage my stomach or walk around.. Is this gas?

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18 Replies
Eliana5 profile image

I would consider re-testing, if your insurance allows, or try to get a different opinion. Do you see a Gastroenterologist? If this is a "stabbing pain" happening every night, I would think this is pretty serious, and have a 2nd or third opinion. It could be trapped gas, but it may also be a small hernia which can be helped by massage. It may be gallstone, or Diverticulis, inflamed colon..see if you can ask for more tests. It is not normal to have a stabbing pain..if it is gas, they should tell you this, and to take a prescribed medication for that or an over the counter antacid.

lifewave profile image
lifewave in reply to Eliana5

Thanks a lot for the reply. Yes I live in Germany and I have health insurance here. This week I will go to the same doctor again since 'all tests came back negative' and I will ask for more tests. This is very frustrating for me because it is affecting my quality of life, I don't get good sleep and the pain is something I have never experienced before the last 3 years. Nowadays I feel like I am just functioning on 70%. I never really get fully sick nor do I feel fully healthy. Just fatigued, with many body aches and this nightly stomach pain.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to lifewave

I know how you feel. I miss the healthy, outgoing, social person I used to be. I seem like a shell of that person. Due to severe and chronic constipation and severe unexplained weight loss of 90 pounds..I have no quality of life anymore. My friends have given up on me, other than this forum I have no support system. During the week I am on a stool softener..and even on that I strain terribly (having a Anorectal Mamnotry test done for sphincter muscle I'm November). Two months ago, I strained so much, I have messed up my right shoulder so am in constant pain from that now. I look like I have aged in just one year from all this. It's a depressing and lonely life to live. I just try to keep holding on..but it's hard. I see a dietician now, and have gained 4-5 pounds, but I want to get to my ideal weight of 145. I am 5'5 tall. I was a pathetic 119 lbs..looked emaciated. Now I am 125. Still too thin it seems. I won't even look at myself if I walk downtown by a mirror. I can't sleep anymore..lucky just to get four hours, then I wake up and can't go back to sleep even being on medication. My weekends are spent feeling very backed up from stool. I have to take Senna-lax on Sundays. I can't go away from the toilet. Never in my life, did I imagine this for myself. I hope we both get better soon..

lifewave profile image
lifewave in reply to Eliana5

Ahh I am sorry to hear this. Have you tried a low FODMAP diet? I am starting it for 2 weeks with dinner because my problems are most prevalent at night when I am sleeping.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to lifewave

Yes, but didn't work and Gastro says one should only be on it for short time.

Hi, is it a bulging twisting pain? Or a dull ache pain?

lifewave profile image
lifewave in reply to

It is bulging, twisting pain. If I touch the localized area it hurts a little bit. Feels like a stone is stuck there and it is rubbing against my intestine.

in reply to lifewave

I had and still experience the same thing, Buscopan helps, I’ve recently cut out dairy and gluten, it’s made a difference

in reply to lifewave

And the same, when it’s hurting and I press on the area it’s very tender

lifewave profile image
lifewave in reply to

Yes I am taking a probiotic called omnibiotic and will now try to drink soup for dinner (I did that once and experienced less pain) and maybe use buscopan before sleeping. I am also going to try CBD oil. I don't know what it is or why I have this. Almost my entire life I could eat anything but since the last 3 years I did have a lot of life changes/stress and now although most of those stressors are gone but I am left with this chronic problem, which ironically is now the main cause of my stress. Being in Berlin does not help finding a good doctor either. Most of them are too busy and it is very hard to get appointments.

in reply to lifewave

I know exactly how u mean, I could eat all the good stuff, pasta pizza, fast food but now I’m stuck eating stuff I know won’t hurt :(, and ah I see, Berlin is nice ?

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to lifewave

I too used to eat anything I wanted. Now I live in fear..either "what if I cramp" "what if this constipates me" sometimes I can hear all the gurgling noises in my intestines when I eat. I'm too fearful to even eat Pizza.

in reply to Eliana5

I can have a better conversation with my stomach than my mates sometimes :)

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to


Pennylewis profile image

I had pains on my left side for years and years on and off. Always thought it was my period or ovary pain. But now i don't get periods . I should have known it was my IBS playing up. There are a few triggers for me and It comes and goes. It is most likely gas/wind/food trapped in the lower intestines. Mine usually went away after a trip or two to the toilet. If you have been checked out already like most of us have already. You just have to put up with it. Or find the food that triggers it, process of elimination and food pain diary may help. Good luck.

lifewave profile image
lifewave in reply to Pennylewis

Would you suggest taking gas relievers before sleep? I am going to the doctor tomorrow again to do further tests. And yeah I have to mention when they did my ultrasound they did find a lot of gas!

Pennylewis profile image
Pennylewis in reply to lifewave

Yes take whatever you need to take. Have meals sitting up at a table not in front of Tv on a sofa. Very bad for system. Watch what you eat before bed. Sometimes our bodies dont relax properly until we go to bed. Then we are relaxed and the fun starts. I prop my self up at night after eating heavily or late. Take tummy pills. Good luck with sorting it all out. Always here to support. 🙂

Dont rule out a muscle problem or even bad posture.

Try drinking more water and an hour before bed eat a banana and see if it helps any, do it for a few weeks don't just do it for one night. Bananas are great for the tummy.

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