Hi all, besides my ongoing stomach pain (7 months now) I have suffered alot with nausea. It was really bad a few months ago but got a bit better on it's own, it got down to every other day in short bursts and was manageable.
It's now back but starts just before I go to bed and if I wake up to pee in the night and don't feel nauseous I do by the time I've got back into bed. I also wake up suddenly at night sometimes like I'm going to be sick. I don't know if it's stomach acid causing this, I usually manage to sit up before I feel anything in my throat. I was told I had GERD a few months ago and had to take Omeprazole for a few months but I'm not on it now, the only thing I take is Gaviscon Advanced before bed as instructed by my GP. I've heard peppermint tea can help with nausea but I'm worried it might increase my acid reflux.
So far I haven't been officially diagnosed with IBS but have seen a private Gastro Consultant who sent me for a sigmoidoscopy, which came back clear. I have also had a pelvic ultrasound which was normal. I've done the FODMAP diet, but no intolerances were identified. As I get alot of pain in my pelvis I'm due to have a laparoscopy (to check for Endo) joint with a cystoscopy. I should be having these done in the next few weeks, maybe my nausea is due to extra worry about the procedures..? But why at night, I'm having pain all the time so it's on my mind all the time. I'm so peeved off just now I feel like I'm on a merry-go-round of pain, I just want to get the hell off! A pain free life is like a dream just now, I can't remember my life now without pain and it makes me feel so sad, I mean is this how it's going to be..? I know I'm not alone on here which I why it's so great to talk to people who understand and swap advice - so any help with nausea please!