Hi guys,
I have a very strange problem. I suspect IBS but I am not sure. 3 years ago I started waking up every night at around 5 am with stabbing lower left abdomen pain that would sometimes radiate into the whole lower left abdomen. After waking up I would naturally try to go to the bathroom: no bowel movement but just standing and walking around for about 10-15 minutes helped. Since then I have been experiencing the same pain every night. I stopped gluten and that helped for a while but the pain is back again even without gluten.
I don't really get constipation or diarrhea, my bowel movements are pretty regular.
Went to the doctors, got an ultrasound, several bloodtests and a stool test: everything came back normal.
So I don't understand why I have this pain, and why only at night and only when I am sleeping? and why does it go away after a massage my stomach or walk around.. Is this gas?