Would be interest to hear from those who suffer and how you manage IBS with GERD , Silent Reflux.
IBS big time came into my life following the death of my wife some 9 years ago although in a very mild way had been around for 20 years prior. During the past year I have associated pain , sometimes unbearable , most days. Bowels are fairly regular and what I would class as almost normal. My diet has no fatty foods , no alcohol , chocolate , fizzy drinks and processed food. The problem will no go away especially the reflux epigastric/chest pain.
I have like many of you had various tests to rule out other possible issues . I'm not ceoliac , H Pylori negative , not anemic , FOB/FIT and Bowel Screening negative. Plus I went private for a full CT Scan with contrast in Feb this year which was clear thankfully. The Gastro Doctor prescribed the usual Esomeprazole , Cimetidine , Mebeverine and Gaviscon. So I'm maxed out.
I guess I should be happy , but the upper abdominal pain of both the IBS and Reflux plus the anxiety of Covid 19 and the difficult access to health care is driving me into the depths of despair. I'm will now contact my Gastro Doctor contact for his input.
Looking forward to your replies. Thank you . Stay well.