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Last call for Secukinumab in Behçet’s trial
The closing date for patients wishing to take part in the Secukinumab in Behçet’s trial is the end of this month. Please visit our website to find out more information.
LRA Shares Excitement For What’s Ahead in Lupus Nephritis
Two new Phase III trials are starting up to test potential treatments – Gazyva® (obinutuzumab) and secukinumab.
Two potential lupus nephritis treatments – Gazyva and itolizumab – are on an accelerated track for development thanks to special designations by the FDA.
Rheumatology, the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology, is offering free access (to Dec 31) to its ten most highly cited articles
Matteson, Bhaskar Dasgupta
Secukinumab sustains improvement in signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis: 2 year results from the phase 3 FUTURE 2 study
Iain B McInnes, Philip J Mease, Christopher T Ritchlin, Proton Rahman, Alice B Gottlieb, et al.
Rheumatology, the journal of the British Society for Rheumatology, is offering free access (through December 31) to its ten most highly cite
Matteson, Bhaskar Dasgupta
Secukinumab sustains improvement in signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis: 2 year results from the phase 3 FUTURE 2 study
Iain B McInnes, Philip J Mease, Christopher T Ritchlin, Proton Rahman, Alice B Gottlieb, et al.