Good Morning people.., Yes, like the proverbial bad I am again...
Welcome to Week 2 in the Changing Room. That first week whizzed by didn't it?
Take a seat and do let us know how it is all going, in this strange time after all the Winterval frolics!
Well, the weather here is dry... and that makes a change...but it is really really cold. There is a thick frost on the cars and I suspect, some icy surfaces!
I know many of us are still managing to a greater or lesser degree to keep up with our chosen exercise but it ain't always easy!
I have found over the last weeks, for a variety of reasons, that I have had to rely on my support strength and stamina work more and more; fitting in brisk walks or a short run as and when I could!
This leads me, very nicely, into my thoughts for today... support exercise, and a question or two.
* Do you or don't you?
*If so, how often?
* What do you do?
Simple eh? Answer honestly.
* I do...
* Every day... but some days are just simple short basic daily routines.
* Yoga. Strength work for most parts of my body... and a lot of breathing exercises too. About to begin a T'ai Chi class next Tuesday too.
We all know, or most of us do, I feel, how important it is to keep our bodies and our minds too, in great condition, but do we always remember to try to support that knowledge.
I know that a few times, I have lapsed and one time, also over used, my chosen exercise and support exercises too ! I , like a few other forum friends who have done similarly, paid dearly for that.
Many of us will have our own routines. Routines which have become a very good habit. Almost second nature, like my teeth cleaning routine where I do squats and ankle raises at the same time.
My morning, in-bed, yoga routine. About 15 minutes in total, is done every morning, before I even sit up. Taken, ( and tweaked), from one of YWA's gentle wake up sessions, it is a gentle and effective way of getting my arms, legs and body ready for the day.
Why then should we bother with support exercise on some of our rest days? Certainly on the C25K forum and beyond it is strongly advised.
I feel we are all aware that rest days are necessary, whatever our chosen exercise, because, quite simply, it is necessary for muscle repair, preventing fatigue, and overall performance.
But in conjunction with this, on some of the rest days the benefits of low-impact workouts like yoga and walking are great. These activities will help you stay active while letting your body recover.
This forum has an absolute wealth of suggested activities from Rowing to Rites, ( Tibetan). From swimming to stretching and gardening to gym sessions.
If your answer to the first question was, “ No, I don't”. Then maybe, you might take a really good look around here and think about changing your reply
There truly is, something for everyone, and because it is easier to maintain if you do so, to find an exercise that you will enjoy.
So... it is your turn. We want to hear from YOU...what are YOU doing. Your replies may just motivate someone else into action, and change them, for the better!
Oldfloss xx
Just found this link, this morning... amazing! Who would have thought it?