Hi, I’m just checking in for the first time, I didn’t know this page existed...but I do now. After suffering from Achilles pain for the last few day, I’m thinking I need more strength & flex to help my running, have I come to the right place?
Hello....: Hi, I’m just checking in for the... - Strength & Flex

Oh no - poor you! I never knew it existed either... hope you get some answers that I can follow - mine is fine at the moment but it does give me problems from time to time..
You have come to the right place we are here to support and motivate each other with our Stregnth and stretch work. Many of us find that the motivation for these need extra help. We are all working on a challenge together right now to have some accountability. I will be putting the weeks post up for that on Monday please feel free to join in.
hello MC! This is definitely a good place . Have you been given some Achilles specific advice on stretches and exercises? Hopefully we can help each other stick to what we each need! This forum is nominatively for the Strength and Flex podcasts with the Lovely Laura but we get up to all sorts
still doing your exercises and resting from running MC? x