Everytime a get a cold or flu I get agonising pain in all my joints all over my body, other members of the family just get the cold Is the joint pain related to the Raynauds??
Joint pain: Everytime a get a cold or... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Joint pain
I don't think so but who knows?
Hello, just to let you know some people get joint pains during a cold or whilst they have a temperature. All my family get it perticularly my husband. However my little grandaughter gets reactive Arthritis and some of her joints swell if she is ill and she cannot put pressure on them. They give her Peadeatric Nuerophen and antbiotics if it is a bacterial infection. If the joint pains do not go away after the infection or swell you should go to your doctor.
It might be worth mentioning it to your doctor when you next see him or her.
I have Raynauds and generalised Ostioarthritis, Peripheral Neuropathy. Sore muscles and muscle spasm. I also have dry eyes and a dry mouth and am waiting for the results of a bood test for Sjorgrens Syndrome. I get exhausted at times and can hardly put one foot in front of the other. I do have walking problems because of my spine but I cannot understand the exhaustion. Does anyone else feel exhausted all the time?
Hello, thanks. Yes my joints swell and are painful most times when I am under the weather, so bad that I cant get out of bed. The consultant knows this and as I have a positive nail fold capillary test and ANA positive result so they keep testing and looking for conditions. Anyway thanks for chatting it is good we all have each other to talk to