Hi lovelies! Quick question. Last night I got woken with a in my knee. My leg was bent while sleeping and I tried to straighten it but it was locked in place and the pain woke me. After a minute it unlocked and o could straighten it again and the pain went once it was straight. Happen to anyone else ?
Systemic sclerosis and joint pain - Scleroderma & Ray...
Systemic sclerosis and joint pain

Yes, something like that.
Hi. I get similar in my left hip joint. When I mentioned it to my rheumy he pretty much said all part of this interesting(!) illness. 🙄

Thanks. I'm just glad it went ! My hips hurt all the time probably because I run !! Lol
I get joint pains ..my left hip is pretty bad...my knees are shot...my right leg swells up and cramps at the back of my knee and leg is bad too...my ankles are swelling up the more I am standing...my right elbow is very painful at the moment..I sleep intermittently due to trying to turn over the pain wakes me up..I have syst. sclerosis which has affected my lungs so I get very breathless on any exertions. Anyone else have this?
I have systemic sclerosis and I get bad cramps in both legs sometimes at same time also in my arms and hands .Also have scleroderma which and I suffer breathing problems due to lung restrictions my stomach is lumpy and hard and it's in my legs and feet now .been on alsorts of medication some twice to slow it down .Also just been told I have asthma also .hope all goes ok for u Marilyn..
Oh dear Sylvia....same with me on the cramps...and hands ...am okay on stomach lumpiness...but it is trying to swallow food...that is painful too so loads of liquid to swallow it down as it seems to get 'stuck' in my gullet! I too have been diagnosed asthmatic but I seem to only be really bad with that on having a cold or bronchitis...which usually develops into pneumonia unfortunately. I too am on meds to slow down progression of lung damage...mycophenalate...have had chemotherapy infusions last year also to try to halt further damage to lungs. Isn't this illness wonderful! I try to carry on as before illness...but slow and painfully with loads of resting in between. Take it easy Sylvia and just keep on keeping on! ....after all, what choice do we have now? xxxx
Hi Sylvia
I have this problem with one knee due to moderate arthritis. Not sure if it's due to my scleroderma or just coincidental. I have seen an orthopaedic surgeon and he has provided a splint which I wear at night to prevent my knee locking. Its difficult to know whether some of the problems we get are due to scleroderma as it is systemic or whether they would occur anyway!