Hello, does any one else have tailbone pain? I'm wondering if it is just me, or whether it could be linked to my scleroderma. I've also noticed that my tailbone feels bonier now... not swollen exactly, just more protruding. GP couldn't feel any issue with it. But it feels different to me. It's very painful on my exercise bike. (I'm very slow on that, and don't stay on long.) GP suggested an x-ray, but as I've just had a chest x-ray, and I've got to have chest CT scan next month, I'm a bit worried about all the radiation. Thanks for your help guys. Oh, and rheumy also says I've probably got Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjogren's Syndrome , so maybe it relates to one of them? Thanks again.
Tail bone pain: Hello, does any one... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Tail bone pain
Just a thought from someone who has severe pain in the lower back due to ‘crush fractures’ of the vertebrae. I also have systemic sclerosis. You should have the X-Ray to rule this out.
I have pain in my tailbone but put it down to the arthritis in my spine. I seem to sit to one side as I can't get comfortable. No help from doctors either. I have had Raynaud's, underactive thyroid, dry eyes and tinnitus but have never been referred to rhemotology. I do wonder if there is something underlining going on. It's so difficult at moment as our doctors hardly see anyone.
So sorry to hear about your tailbone issues. And yeah, I know, it's a nightmare to get an appointment with a GP face-to-face, isn't it. And then when you do there is a temptation to tell them all the stuff you've been saving up, and they get a bit overwhelmed. I did that last week when I got to see the doctor and I felt bad overburdening them. But there are so many issues with out conditions, aren't there. Hopefully as the vaccines roll out this will improve. Take care and stay safe.
Yes it is, we will need longer appointments. I suppose we aren't alone . I am lucky as I have had my first jab, went great and no problems. Still got to be mindful but feel that things will improve and we will be able to see our families and friends once more. Take care xx
I too have tailbone pain. I have broke my tailbone at least 4 times. Once during childbirth. Doc said I probably do have arthritis in my tailbone from so many breaks. I do understand about your ideas of too much radiation. I was recently in hospital and had so many xrays..head lungs, lower women areas. But Doc said no it can't hurt you. I would go ahead and have the xray as someone else said. But you keep a journal of just how many you can remember and from here on out you have. Doctors are good and we need them...but Doctors do not always get it right. God Be with you Shona. (I am from America btw)
Thanks so much for the message, Masala. And sorry to hear that you, too, have tailbone pain. I'll definitely think about having the x-ray if it doesn't improve in the next few weeks. It's so difficult to get to speak to a doctor to voice concerns, sometimes, especially when you're being treated by several different doctors, and I'm not sure they keep track of how many x-rays you're having across all their different specialties. But thanks again for the message. It's reassuring to hear from others in the same position. Take care of yourself.
I too have coccyx problem, it was pulled out off alignment by surgeon. It does not show up on ordinary X-rays there’s a coccyx online site where it explains the type of X-ray to have but the medics don’t seem to know this. I use tempur medical cushions so that I can sit down. It was 1 at first, now I need 2. I always buy second hand ones online as very expensive but if you don’t have internal prolapses, a cut out cushion might work ok.