Hey everyone, it's just me again!
Today I'm looking for some advice and guidance. I don't even know what topic to put this post under because it's a bit of an odd one to say the least! - however, I'm aware there's a possibility on this group that my query might not be so odd at all!
So! I have always had a few freckles and moles for as long as I can remember. For me, checking my moles and freckles is just as important as checking your boobs for lumps and going for your routine smear test. It's a part of normal life to check these things and it's very much part of my shower routine. HOWEVER! - I've found myself in a small state of panic over the last week or two about them. I'm sure I'll get a couple of eye rolls for this one but please hear me out! I promise I'm not being a hypochondriac with this.
I seem to have had a very sudden onset of freckles all over my body and quite frankly, I'm worried sick about it. I haven't been in the sun (we're in the UK so you guys know what the weather is like here!), I don't use sun beds and haven't done since I was a teenager. To me, there is no logical explanation as to why these have suddenly appeared.
2 weeks ago I noticed a "mark" on my left cheek and because of the colour of it I actually thought it was a speck of dirt or even an ink spot from something. After some thorough face scrubbing I realised it was actually a blemish on my skin. Small like a freckle, round in shape, smooth to touch but the colour isn't right. This discovery prompted me to do a freckle check.... what I discovered during that check was baffling. I have LOADS of tiny black/brown freckles coming up everywhere, and a lot of my already existing freckles are raising and growing into moles. My GP won't touch me because they don't know what to do with me, my scleroderma specialist cancelled my appointment for the 19th of February and I've not yet received a follow up.
Who on earth do I speak to about this?! And does anyone at all have any experience with anything similar to this? As I've mentioned on previous posts, I do have hyperpigmentation of the skin already and my giraffe skin pattern on my legs but these freckles are something completely new and different. Every single day there's more of them and I'm freaking out.
Help?! SOS!
The Human Giraffe xoxox