I have had Raynaud's and scleroderma since the 1980s I am now 76 I have all the usual problems Heart, lungs, P hypertension, Gut, Barratts Oesophagus so unable to absorb iron. i jog along with lots of medication then had a new problem. Exactly one year ago i had an excruciating pain in my right big toe . this happened in the middle of the night. Following I week of out patient treatment and two weeks inpatient iv illoprost in very large doses continuously this had done no good. My toe was coming necrotic and was spreading under my foot. Because of my very poor circulation the Vascular surgeon was very reluctant to remove my toe. I was having to get to my surgery 3 times a week to have it dressed, very awkward as surgery 5 miles away and me no longer able to drive. I did not have surgery until December 21st and the small wound that was left has not yet begun to heal, I see a podiatrist at a local hospital now but no progress yet, I wonder if any one else has had this problem and knows of anything to aid healing.
Sorry for such a long post but nice to get it off my chest. I also have to get my bloods taken for INR as my Warfarin levels are not that stable