I may be paranoid but I really want to find out if there was an error in my surgery I had on my toes both feet! Ever since then my circulation to my legs and feet are getting worse... to the point where I would have a shower and my legs go purple and my feet.. so then I have to put my feet up for a while.. everything is become so hard to do!! Before I had surgery I was always health fit and on the go always do one thing or another ... two jobs two young kids and so on ... yet since my operation I can barely do anything... but nobody is listening to me they just say on yeah ok here's more happy pills.. and countless number on different drugs they keep trying ... yet nothing has lessened it...
How to get medical notes from an oper... - Scleroderma & Ray...
How to get medical notes from an operation on my feet !!!

Contact PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) at the hospital that did the op - they will guide and advise you.
contact PALS they will be your advocate, sorry you are suffering !
Hi anyone can access their medical records if they make an application under the data protection act 1998. Good point of contact would be the medical records manager
You have the right to see your medical records. Please write to the hospital concerned and ask to make arrangements for you to view your records.
You don't say why you had the operation.
I had the opportunity to straighten my toes my 4 th toes on bot feet curled under the 3rd toes and my 5th toe poked up over the 4 th..
Your GP should have received details of your operation and therefore should be able to supply you with the info you need. Advice re PALS etc. is good. Also try making an appointment with the surgeon who carried out the operation and discuss your problems with him - ask ask for a copy of your notes. You should have had a follow up appointment after surgery.