Weird swelling in one ankle/foot only? - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Weird swelling in one ankle/foot only?

bengali profile image
6 Replies

Bit of back history first...

Likely broke my foot about 10 weeks ago now (drs aren't certain, but pretty sure, xray not 100% definitive.)

Still fair lump over the spot that I dropped the crowbar on. Uncomfortable often, but can't feel feet properly, so don't know exactly what it's doing.

But about a week and a half ago, maybe a bit longer, developed a blotch just above my ankle that's not going away. Burns at the blotch like a sunburn.

And - my ankle/foot on that side has started swelling, usually more late in the day, and fairly normal first thing in the morning. Local doc is stumped. Thinks it has something to do with my 'connective tissue issue' as they call it, lol. But, has anyone else had similar?

I do have a leaky heart valve, but doc says not relevant as one side only. So, ??

Forgive the dirty feet, had been outside in thongs, dusty as here at the moment

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bengali profile image
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6 Replies
AfterForever profile image

I very highly recommend seeing a specialist familiar with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. The fact that you are experiencing the symptoms you've listed after your likely fracture is a sign of possible CRPS. It definitely should be ruled out through proper examination / testing. It's not something you want to live with if left untreated in it's early stages. I was diagnosed far too late - the wound care doctor I was seeing simply kept on increasing the Oxycodone he prescribed me because he said that "(I) have a low pain tolerance." Upon going to the E.R. in hopes of being properly examined as an inpatient, I was labeled a drug seeker despite telling the doctor repeatedly I didn't want or need any pain medication and *showing* him the extreme amount I had. It took a change in shifts and a new doctor - very young, and highly knowledgable - who immediately diagnosed me with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, as CRPS was known at the time. It's that the lack of feeling doesn't negate a CRPS diagnosis; damaged nerves will cause this.


bengali profile image
bengali in reply to AfterForever

I see the rheumatology in a few weeks, if nothing else I'll ask then if I can't vet anywhere before then.

I've not had proper feeling in either my hands or feet for a coming up a few years now, increasing numbness, pins and needles - I have Reynaud's, Erythromyalgia, and an undifferentiated connective tissue disease that keeps being bounced back and forth between lupus and scleroderma by the docs.

itonly had paracetamol, ibuprofen, really at all. Was unable to get a pair of crutches that were the right size, and if I wanted a moon boot unless I drove for an hour to go get one, be about 3 weeks to get it if I got it posted here.

So, was walking on it (very gingerly mind you), the next day. And learned that wheelbarrows made a good crutch substitute for the first few days if outside. Otherwise, have just done what I needed to, and put it up when I sat down.

It is amazing the difference a different doctor can make, so glad they got it sorted out for you in the end - hoping when I see the GP next week, or at least by the rheumatology appt, get something done - but will definitely ask about the crps, see if they think there's anything that has any possibility there, and if do, what we do about it

Thank you


AfterForever profile image
AfterForever in reply to bengali

Most welcome.

Janpmat profile image

Hi Bengali I have Raynauds and currently being tested for an auto immune/connective tissue disease, however I also have two leaky heart valves and started to have swelling of my right foot and ankle. After having a blood test it was found that the leak had increased and I'm currently going through a battery of tests so the Consultant can take the appropriate steps, be it meds or possibly surgery. It was the fact that it was only my right foot/ankle that prompted my GP to take the blood test, so if I were you I think I would perhaps see your GP again, if nothing else it will put your mind at rest. Good luck. xx

bengali profile image
bengali in reply to Janpmat

I've a leaky aortic valve, too. Do you know what blood test they did at all? And was your swelling constant, or come and go?

Thank you

Janpmat profile image
Janpmat in reply to bengali

Hi bengali, i don't know what type of blood test was done, but when I went to the GP with the swollen foot/ankle he took blood and the result was that there was a problem, and it's gone from there. I have a leaking aortic and mitral valve. The swelling was minimal in the mornings but had swollen more by the end of the day, i was given Furusemide which is a diuretic to reduce it, and it stays relatively unswollen after taking it for a day or so. Hope this helps. Janette x

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