Does anyone here have Raynauds and ta... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone here have Raynauds and take Estrogen for hormone therapy post a hysterectomy?

I have secondary Raynauds and take estrogen and progesterone.
Thank you for response. I do not take progesterone because I have no uterus. Do you know if estrogen alone can aggravate Raynauds symptoms? My local Rheumatologist (young...) just said "I don't know" just get off your hormones and see. He's male.
I would get a second opinion if I was you before giving up Estrogen! I would have Osterporosis if I hadn't taken it all these years and I've never had any bad effects from it at all, but since we're all so different, I would ask to see a Gynar or at lease a Specialist on Raydaud's.
Hi, yes I have Raynauds and have been on Estrogen for the last 30 years. Why do you ask?
I ask because I had read somewhere that unopposed estrogen may make Raynauds symptoms worse. My gynecologist said he didn't know of it making it worse but I could see a Rheumy if I wanted to. I called the local Rheumy office as I am a nurse and his nurse spoke to me and said she would call me back and he(the Rheumy) just said to tell me that some research says yes and some know...I could just get off and see. Try and keep hands and feet warm. And I could come to him for an eval if I wanted to. I have not had full Rheumy eval and don't know if primary or secondary except that I now have attacks NOT related to cold. How do you know when to seek referral?
Nettie545 Do you have no ovaries and take Estrogen alone?
I have Raynaud's and take oestrogel following my total hysterectomy 8 years ago. I also have Sjogren's Syndrome and various other things, but I've never linked the Raynaud's to my oestrogel.
I can not have hrt due to having risk of getting clots due to factor v so I take red clover ginkgo biloba and eat cheese and switched to soya milk to try to naturally substitute for estrogen I lack since my hysterectomy about three years ago now it helps bit but still get all three attacks sometimes at same time or one after other my worst bit is if place I am at is stuffy and heating on as then I get more em attacks all over back feels like on fire .