Does anyone have itching and burning ... - Scleroderma & Ray...

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Does anyone have itching and burning attacks?

msdeedee profile image
16 Replies

I have episodes of itching and burning. My skin is really not that dry. I always try to keep my skin very moisturize.The attacks can last for couple hours or a few mins. I usually have to take a Benadryl and Xanax which I was told to do by my GP.

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msdeedee profile image
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16 Replies
emmaj profile image

Funnily enough im sat up at 1am with just that, not too sure if it is the APS or the Raynauds but my left shoulder feels like someone is sticking burning pins in to it! Im up in anything from 5 hours time with my 11 month old!! My feet are burning and my whole body is jolting like ive got prickly heat or something-not been to my GP but i sometimes take antihistamine for the APS rashes and it helps x

LynnCox profile image

My legs get itchy and the more I scratch the burning the itching gets. The skin on my lower legs was badly damaged by sunburn some years ago and I have underactive thyroid as well as limited cutaneous systemic scleroderma and Raynaud's. With me the lower legs get dry and I also find keeping my legs free of hair helps. Sometimes moisturiser helps and sometime spray moisturising oil helps, but I also have to find something to do to take my mind off the itching. Sometimes the scatching produces spots and I have also made my legs bleed with scratching.

zenabb profile image

I get itching but not burning. Taking my mind distracted from the itching helps but a few years ago I had to take an anti-histamine. I stopped it and I can manage the itching I get so it must be getting better. It's typical of Raynaud's and scleroderma it seems that things come and go.

lifeforce profile image

I was told that all the itching is caused by dry skin and overproduction of histamine,so going with allergy meds is the best way to go. My stomach used to itch so much it drove me nuts!

karenconnie profile image

I have the sae problem and my RA gave me Atarax to take for the itching.

wartsandall profile image

I suffer the same way with itching and burning. Once I start scratching I can't stop !!!! the skin on my shins flakes away. I also have an itchy scalp and face. Sometimes the burning sensation and the itching can keep me awake at night. Antihistamines have helped in the past, but I find Palmers coco butter is a god send x

cjo1994 profile image
cjo1994 in reply to wartsandall

I second the palmers coco butter!! Don't know what I used to do without it!!

Apple-gin profile image
Apple-gin in reply to wartsandall

Just read about your itching, I have it in exactly the same places, but no burning except on my face occasionally. My shins have flaked for years, I use E 45 every day, but can't get rid of the itching in my head. Regards lynne

suzierwp330 profile image

i have itching on my feet and hands also burning .i scratch so much i get big bruises .didnt know this was conected .i had blood test done and liver function was raised .it seems to calm down then have bad flare ups .makes me very iratable to say the least

Rp321 profile image

i have the exact same problem - i have scratched my legs so much they have scabs on them. i try so so hard not to scratch but it alwayss gets me at night and as some one else said once you start you cant stop. It has kept me awake litterally all night in the past, now i wear really thick socks on my hands at night a) keep sthem toasty warm b) stops me scratching.

mirandamae1971 profile image

The itching is most likely caused by the scleroderma, a main symptom actually. The only relief I have found is to gain control of the "flair-ups" by taking one of the immune-suppresent drugs. When your in a flair up, the skin is usually inflamed and tightening/thickening, that is the cause of the itching usually. Maybe you could talk to your Rhuemy about the itching and see what he say regaurding treatments and possible "flair-up" of the scleroderma. Hope you find relief.

joba profile image

Taking a bath in Aveeno oatmeal helps and using Aveeno lotion to rub on the area helps me.

papardeles profile image

Ι had the same . The solution was the pregabalin .

msdeedee profile image

Thank you everyone

For some reason I just got all these replies

meeks17 profile image

I have atopic dermatitis on most of my body (full legs, hands, elbows, back of arms, bottom of back). Atopic dermatitis is a dermatitis/eczema. Lots of people have it and unfortunately don't realise they have it and/or don't know how to treat it. I struggled with it for 8 years before a doctor finally gave me a punch hole biopsy, took a sample of my skin and sent it away to be examined. Extremely easy procedure (20 min) that can be done with any GP. Results came back a week later and I was diagnosed with Atopic dermatitis. Sounds simple but I was at the point where I had barely any skin left on my legs because I had scratched it off (was alot worse when I'd try lay down and sleep). When it's on such a large area of the body and it pops up randomly one day (not since birth) most people put it down to dust mites, shaving or ingrown hairs ect. Once I knew what it was the doctor put me on a high dose of oral steroids for about 3-4 weeks. This completely cleared my skin and any infections from the scratching (my skin was so inflamed and torn it was extremely painful and uncomfortable, felt like I was burning from the waist down). Unfortunately you can't continue taking oral steroids as over time it'll give you much worse, life threatening health conditions like brittle bones, thin skin, gland shut down and withdrawals could send you into shock. Once I had come off the oral steroids the dermatitis began to return so the doctor prescribed me a steroid cream called betnovate ointment 0.1% 30g. I use it sparingly, rubbing it into my skin in circular motions. I do my entire legs every morning or second morning and I moisturise at night. My legs are completely healed and clear, with only scars left over which will fade over time. Make sure to use steroid cream sparingly as if you use too much too constantly you will get hives which disappear within hours but still better to avoid them. I always thought I had a ingrown hair problem because it honestly felt like when the hair would grow back it was unbearable and I thought maybe my hair is too thick for my pores. But even when the hair had full grown out it was still itchy and was always worse when id try relax or sleep. There was always blood on the sheets from me scratching in my sleep. It was so embarrassing and put me off going on dates and wanting a relationship. I was still struggling with it when I met my partner now and he has been by my side and extremely understanding the whole time. In fact if it wasn't for him I probably would have gave up and never fixed it. It was so exhausting trying to find answers and getting the same unhelpful responses. Anyway long story short, go to your GP, request a punch hole biopsy, if results come back positive, begin treatment :) hope this helps somebody, im sure it will. I know it seems like alot but once you get into a routine and just take that 10mins every morning to rub the cream on, you'll feel like a new person :) good luck.

Intimeslikethese profile image

Mine were triggered by garlic. Seems when I remove it from my recipes and consumption, it occurs less. Also, good drinking water intake and using Jergens Wet Skin moisturizer with coconut oil before exiting shower works wonders for me when used before toweling dry

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