Was diagnosed with Raynauds 13 years ago (was 21) was told i had arthritis in my neck few years before but have recently told i don't have arthritis, i just have a neck that isn't 100% straight ?????. Have been suffering with hip/back pain for 4/5 years ago gp always said it was my neck, when pregnant i was told it was PGD, it went for about 4 months after had baby but has now come back with vengence, a new GP has joined my docs and she is brillant she's had xray done - come back clear and has now organised tests on kidneys and blood test to check my inflammatory as they have been slightly raised before Anyone else still had anything similar ????? Thanks for reading
anyone have hip and neck pain connect... - Scleroderma & Ray...
anyone have hip and neck pain connected to Raynauds ?

Sorry to hear you have this pain. I can equate with this. I had bone scans done a few years ago when my Raynauds became worse. The scans showed that my bone were "swelling" thus causing the pain. I have painkillers to take and have regular blood tests to show ESR, liver and kidney functions. Perhaps you could suggest scans to your consultant. I attend Ninewells hospital in Dundee regularly.
Hi thanks very much, i'm already on Diclofenac and Acupan for the pain, and have just had to submitt another urine test as 1st one was full of protein, which is strange as i had this every time i saw my midwife and she tested my urine. I think i am having the same blood test result should get my results next week. I don't have a consultant as no GP has taken me seriously till now, so just have to wait for my test results for now.
I have neck and hip pain but I was told that I had RA as well as Scleroderma. My pain is due to those combinations. I hope you are able to find some relief. I do have Raynaud's as well. Who knows still so much to learn about this disease.
Hi there. I am sorry to hear that you are suffering with this. I also get this - I also have Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis - so sometimes the pains overlap and you cant always be sure which condition is causing the pains. I take Tramadol, Ibuprofen and Parecetomol for pain relief x