I am on third session of Cyclophosphemide infusion, and wonder if it is O.K. to have my roots coloured....I have thick hair no loss but maybe a little thinner but lots of grey showing, want to look my best but feel so vain for asking this
Does anyone have any information rega... - Scleroderma & Ray...
Does anyone have any information regarding Cyclophosphemide and hair colour treatment.

I never thought about that one.
Hi. I had a 13wk block of cyclophosphamide in 2009 and had the same dilema as you with my hair. I asked at the hosp and they had not come across anyone who had had a problem with hair dye but it was up to me to chance it. My hairdresser would not take the responsibility of anything going wrong so in the end i used a shop diy colour. Good news is i kept my hair---minus the grey! good luck!
Thank you for that, but did you wait until the end of your course of treatment or did you use the dye in between? I have another 3 treatments.They are every four weeks so I think I may take a chance and colour in-between treatments.
I will post the results.
Hi, I had treatment for 6 months - once a month. During this time had my hair dyed and experienced no problems, Had to cheer myself up some how!! I also had a facial a bit of me time during treatment once a month just to keep my spirits up.
Best wishes
Thank you so much....I will make the appointment today,,,,
Had my roots dyed today...feel much better and also look much better ready for my next treatment on Monday.
I am currently taking cyclophosphamide in tablet form, and have recently visited the hairdressers and had my usual hair colour applied. I occasionally experience a little more hair loss when washing my hair which is due to the medication, but it is minimal and like you my hair is very thick. I recently saw my consultant and she complimented on how nice my hair looked - it is very obviously dyed - so I am sure she would have said something about not using hair colouring if I wasn't supposed to. Best of luck with the 'new you'.