Hello All!!! I am not sure exactly how this works, so I am just sharing the story I posted as part of my Profile. Thanks for "listening."
I have HER2+ MBC. I originally was diagosed with BC in 2000 (not HER2+), had a mastectomy, and underwent standard chemo. I was on Tamoxifen for 5 years. In 2014, I was shocked when the cancer reoccurred. I was diagnosed with same BC as before, but it was now HER2+. I participated in a clincial trial which I later found out was for Kadcyla. I then started infusions of Herceptin, which I have been doing every 3 weeks. Several months ago I started to have heart issues so the Herceptin was discontinued. In the interim, I developed a small brain lesion and had surgical radiation for it - I don't yet know the results. I am now on heart medication and have just started on a new treatment regime - a Herceptin infusion every 3 weeks plus daily doses of oral chemotherapy - Tucatinib and Xeloda. I am interested in others' experiences with this paricular treatment, as well as others' general experiences in dealing with MBC in the long-term. Thanks very much.