I have just had my second CT Scan May 17 th since completing Paclitaxel , Herceptin & Perjeta for Triple positive MBC . I continue Herceptin & Perjeta every 3 weeks & exemestane daily .
My oncologist has now ordered an urgent bone scan Wednesday May 25 th ,and an appointment to discuss the results on June 3 on a phone appointment ( this waiting seems so cruel to me ) I have only had a very brief discussion with the attending physician at the clinic where I have treatment about my test results , not my oncologist. I have been feeling really well , where as other times that I have had progression I was not feeling well , so this came as a total surprise . Apparently my bone Mets have shown progression , and a lymph node has lit up . My liver Mets have shrunk so I am assuming this is a “ mixed response “ I think he said something about the lung ( I mentally shutdown at that point so I am not sure what he said about the lung ) .
Has anyone else experienced a “ mixed response “ to treatment ? Any questions I should be asking ?
I had a biopsy done on a lymph node in my neck opposite side of neck as this current light up about a year and a half ago that showed my HER2 status had changed to positive .
Any insight or tips would be appreciated.
I still can’t believe I am feeling so good and yet not getting good CT scan results . 😳
Trying to stay calm , hanging on to the feeling really good .
Luann 🇨🇦