any one experience a very high IRON LEVEL or they call it I guess a hemocromosis condition while on xeloda or any chemo? if so, what treatment helps you.
very high IRON level: any one... - SHARE Metastatic ...
very high IRON level
There are numerous potential causes of this that your physician(s) should be able to help figure out, unfortunately it’s tough to find physicians who are good diagnosticians these days. My wife was in the same situation a couple years ago and we suspected it was related to her thyroid levels.
This is far from the most likely cause of elevated iron levels but there are a few medical papers that describe a little known scenario where a hyperactive thyroid can prevent the body’s ability to metabolize iron. Since iron is not being metabolized it causes high iron stores in the body (ferritin).
This will typically also cause “iron deficient anemia” (low red blood cell counts and low hemoglobin) which is counterintuitive as most will dismiss the possibility of iron deficient anemia when patients have high levels of iron and ferritin. The problem is not the lack of iron in this case, it’s the compromised ability of the body to metabolize the iron if you have a hyperactive thyroid.
So you might want to have your thyroid levels checked (TSH, T3, T4 free direct), especially if you’re taking any thyroid meds like levothyroxine. Low levels of these compounds = hyperactive thyroid (also counterintuitive).
However, if your red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels are normal (your onco is probably routinely running these labs already) then this is less likely to be the issue in your case.
I hope you figure it out and can get it resolved.
Thank you so much for sharing this info. I take care of my mom with MBC (for 4 years), recently this issue came up. Mom gets blood transfusion once or twice a year which could be the culprit. of 1500 ferritin level the normal is up to 250. Now she is starting an iron chelation medication. 😉 I pray this will help soon and she can tolerate.
My little sister (no cancer) has this. It's genetic on our part. It shows up mostly in Northern European genes. It could be that you have been carrying the genes, but the meds made it active. I'm not sure what she's doing for it, but I do know that she (through her doctor) is treating it and is much, much better. This is a doctor call!